Main Article Content
Culture plays an essential role in the emergence and development of mathematics; hence, both are inseparable. Mathematics emerges from the daily activities of a group of people, and although its concepts have been applied traditionally since time immemorial, it has not reached the level of formal usage. One cultural activity involving mathematical concepts is the use of Pananrang in determining the right farming seasons despite not having a formal education. Therefore, this research explores mathematical concepts in Pananrang, which are used as a reference for the Buginese community's farming system. This is qualitative research comprising an ethnographic approach with data collected through literature research and interviews with informants with expertise in Pananrang. The results showed that the community used mathematical concepts, such as multiplication, addition, and modular arithmetic, to determine the proper farming seasons. These outcomes can be socialized and used as a contextual learning resource.
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- Abdullah, Y., Maulidia, S., & Amelia, A. (2019). Eksplorasi etnomatematika pada proses penentuan hari sakral desa Sambeng di kabupaten Cirebon [An ethnomathematics exploration of the process of determining the sacred day of Sambeng village in Cirebon district]. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika (SNPM), 1(1), 428–447.
- Agustina, L. O., Sunardi, & Susanto. (2016). Etnomatematika pada penanggalan Jawa terkait aritmetika di Desa Yosomulyo [Ethnomatematics in the Javanese calendar related to arithmetic in the village of Yosomulyo]. KadikmA, 7(1), 22–33.
- Dollah, B. (2016). Tudang Sipulung as The communication group to share information. Journal Pekommas, 1(2), 177.
- Ergene, Ö., Ergene, B. Ç., & Yazıcı, E. Z. (2020). Ethnomathematics activities: Reflections from the design and implementation process. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 11(2), 402–437.
- Guba, E. G. (1981). ERIC/ECTJ Annual review paper: Criteria for assessing the trustworthiness of naturalistic inquiries. Educational Communication and Technology, 29(2), 75–91.
- Gunawan, F. (2014). The Prophetic spirit in lontara Pananrang script at Islamic Bugis society. Paper presented in International Conference of Islamic Civilization, Fakultas Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia.
- Hafid, A. (2018). Relasi tanda dalam Lontaraq Pananrang pada masyarakat Lise [Relation of signs in Lontaraq Pananrang to the Lise community]. Universitas Hasanuddin.
- Halim, H., Zainuddin, R., & Zainuddin, F. (2017). Eco-Profetik: Integrasi pengetahuan lokal dengan Islam tentang lingkungan [Eco-Prophetic: Integration of local knowledge with Islam about the environment]. Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 17(2), 311–330.
- Hartati, L. (2020). Analisis kesulitan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan soal pada mata kuliah teori bilangan [Analysis of students' difficulties in solving problems in number theory courses]. SINASIS (Seminar Nasional Sains), 1(1).
- Imat, S. (2020). Eksplorasi etnomatematika pada kepercayaan penentuan hari baik masyarakat Baduy [An ethnomathematics exploration of the belief in determining the good day of the Baduy people]. Jurnal PEKA (Pendidikan Matematika), 4(1), 13–20.
- Imswatama, A., & Setiadi, D. (2017). The Etnomathematics of Calculating An Auspicious Day Process In The Javanese Society as Mathematics Learning. Proceeding of The 4th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI), Issues and Challenges in 21st Century Mathematics Education, “Working Toward Meaningful Teaching and Learning, 105–111.
- Izmirli, I. M. (2011). Pedagogy on the ethnomathematics--epistemology nexus: A manifesto. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 1(2), 27–50.
- Kamaluddin, A., Husnah, N., Busthanul, N., & Ali, M. S. S. (2016). “Pananrang”: A guidance of buginese farmers in farming. International Journal of Agriculture System (IJAS), 4(2), 168–177.
- Karnilah, N., & Juandi, D. (2013). Study ethnomathematics: Pengungkapan sistem bilangan masyarakat adat Baduy [Ethnomathematics study: Disclosure of the number system of the Baduy indigenous people]. Jurnal Online Pendidikan Matematika Kontemporer, 1(1), 1–16.
- Lidinillah, D. A. M., Rahman, Wahyuddin, & Aryanto, S. (2022). Integrating Sundanese ethnomathematics into mathematics curriculum and teaching: A systematic review from 2013 to 2020. Infinity Journal, 11(1), 33–54.
- Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1986). But is it rigorous? Trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation. New Directions for Program Evaluation, 1986(30), 73–84.
- Maryani, A., Supratman, & Setialesmana, D. (2022). Studi etnomatematika aktivitas menghitung hari baik dalam pernikahan masyarakat kampung adat Pulo [Ethnomatematics study activity counting auspicious days in traditional Pulo village community marriages]. JP3M (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Matematika), 8(1), 73–84.
- Maryati, & Prahmana, R. C. I. (2019). Ethnomathematics: Exploration of the Muntuk community. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(6), 47–49.
- Matang, R. (2002). The role of ethnomathematics in mathematics education in Papua New Guinea: Implications for mathematics curriculum. Journal of Educational Studies, 24(1), 27–37.
- Nisa, F. F., Nurjamil, D., & Muhtadi, D. (2019). Studi etnomatematika pada aktivitas urang sunda dalam menentukan pernikahan, pertanian dan mencari benda hilang [An ethnomathematics study on the activities of Sundanese people in determining marriage, farming and searching for lost objects]. JP3M (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Matematika), 5(2), 63–74.
- Nur, A. S., Waluya, S. B., Rochmad, R., & Wardono, W. (2020). Contextual learning with Ethnomathematics in enhancing the problem solving based on thinking levels. JRAMathEdu (Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education), 5(3), 331–344.
- Nurcahyono, O. H. (2018). Pendidikan multikultural di Indonesia: Analisis sinkronis dan diakronis [Multicultural education in Indonesia: Synchronic and diachronic analysis]. Habitus: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosiologi dan Antropologi, 2(1), 105–115.
- Palinussa, A. L. (2013). Students’ critical mathematical thinking skills and character. Journal on Mathematics Education, 4(1), 75–94.
- Pathuddin, H., Kamariah, & Ichsan Nawawi, M. (2021). Buginese ethnomathematics: Barongko cake explorations as mathematics learning resources. Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(2), 295–312.
- Pathuddin, H., & Raehana, S. (2019). Etnomatematika: Makanan tradisional bugis sebagai sumber belajar matematika [Ethnomathematics: Bugis traditional food as a source of learning mathematics]. MaPan: Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran, 7(2), 307–328.
- Prabawati, M. N. (2016). Etnomatematika masyarakat pengrajin anyaman rajapolah kabupaten Tasikmalaya [Ethnomatematics of the Rajapolah woven craftsmen community, Tasikmalaya district]. Infinity Journal, 5(1), 25–31.
- Prahmana, R. C. I., & D’Ambrosio, U. (2020). Learning geometry and values from patterns: Ethnomathematics on the batik patterns of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal on Mathematics Education, 11(3), 439–456.
- Prahmana, R. C. I., Yunianto, W., Rosa, M., & Orey, D. C. (2021). Ethnomathematics: Pranatamangsa system and the birth-death ceremonial in Yogyakarta. Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(1), 93–112.
- Putri, N. E., & Pujiastuti, H. (2022). Studi etnomatematika: Penentuan tanggal masyarakat Baduy dan hubungannya dengan konsep aljabar [Ethnomathematics studies: Determination of the date of the Baduy community and its relationship with algebraic concepts]. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Al Qalasadi, 6(1), 912–913.
- Ramli. (2021). Etnomatematika pada kebiasaan orang Sunda dalam menentukan tanggal pernikahan dan kecocokan pasangan pengantin [Ethnomathematics on the customs of the Sundanese in determining the date of marriage and the suitability of the bride and groom]. Jurnal PEKA (Pendidikan Matematika), 4(2), 45–51.
- Rezky, M., & Alam, A. S. (2019). Analisis pelaksanaan program upaya khusus padi, jagung, kedelai (Upsus Pajale) dalam mewujudkan swasembada pangan di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang [Analysis of the implementation of the special effort program for rice, corn, soybeans (Upsus Pajale) in realizing food self-sufficiency in Sidenreng Rappang Regency]. Government: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 12(2), 81–87.
- Risdiyanti, I., & Prahmana, R. C. I. (2020). Ethnomathematics (Teori dan Implementasinya: Suatu Pengantar) [Ethnomathematics (Theory and Its Implementation: An Introduction)]. UAD Press.
- Rosa, M., & Orey, D. C. (2010). Culturally relevant pedagogy: An ethnomathematical approach. Horizontes, 28(1), 19–31.
- Rosa, M., & Orey, D. C. (2011). Ethnomathematics: The cultural aspects of mathematics. Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática, 4, 32–54.
- Setiadi, D., & Imswatama, A. (2017). Pola bilangan matematis perhitungan weton dalam tradisi Jawa dan Sunda [Mathematical number patterns for calculating weton in the Javanese and Sundanese traditions]. ADHUM, VII(2), 75–86.
- Spradley, J. P. (2016). The ethnographic interview. Waveland Press.
- Suarjana, I. M., Suharta, I. G. P., & Japa, I. G. N. (2014). Etnomatematika sistem kalender Bali [Ethnomatematics of the Balinese calendar system]. Seminar Nasional Riset Inovatif II, 2, 177–182.
- Sugianto, A., Abdullah, W., Sumarlam, & Widodo, S. T. (2019). Reyog Ponorogo art exploration as mathematics learning resources: An ethnomathematics study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1188(1).
- Suraida, Supandi, & Prasetyowati, D. (2019). Etnomatematika pada perhitungan weton dalam tradisi pernikahan Jawa [Ethnomatematics on the calculation of weton in the Javanese wedding tradition]. Imajiner: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 1(5), 172–176.
- Tahir, R., Rosanna, R., & Djunais, I. (2019). Dampak modernisasi pertanian terhadap petani kecil dan perempuan di Sulawesi Selatan [The impact of agricultural modernization on small farmers and women in South Sulawesi]. Agrokompleks, 19(2), 35–44.
- Umbara, U., Wahyudin, W., & Prabawanto, S. (2021). How to predict good days in farming: Ethnomathematics study with an ethnomodelling approach. JRAMathEdu (Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education), 6(1), 71–85.
- Utami, N. W., Sayuti, S. A., & Jailani. (2019). Math and mate in Javanese primbon: Ethnomathematics study. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(3), 341–356.
- Windiani, W., & Rahmawati, F. N. (2016). Menggunakan metode etnografi dalam penelitian sosial [Using ethnographic methods in social research]. DIMENSI-Journal of Sociology, 9(2).
- Yusmar, S. (2008). Penanggalan Bugis-Makassar dalam penentuan awal bulan kamariah menurut syari’ah dan sains [The Bugis-Makassar calendar in determining the beginning of the lunar month according to shari'ah and science]. Hunafa, 5(3), 265–268.
- Zahira, F., Rusmana, I. M., & Gardenia, N. (2022). Etnomatematika pada penggunaan perhitungan weton tradisi Jawa kedua calon mempelai [Ethnomatematics on the use of traditional Javanese weton calculations for the bride]. Prosiding Diskusi Panel Nasional Pendidikan Matematika, 80, 299–304.
- Zhang, W., & Zhang, Q. (2010). Ethnomathematics and its integration within the mathematics curriculum. Journal of Mathematics Education, 3(1), 151–157.
Abdullah, Y., Maulidia, S., & Amelia, A. (2019). Eksplorasi etnomatematika pada proses penentuan hari sakral desa Sambeng di kabupaten Cirebon [An ethnomathematics exploration of the process of determining the sacred day of Sambeng village in Cirebon district]. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika (SNPM), 1(1), 428–447.
Agustina, L. O., Sunardi, & Susanto. (2016). Etnomatematika pada penanggalan Jawa terkait aritmetika di Desa Yosomulyo [Ethnomatematics in the Javanese calendar related to arithmetic in the village of Yosomulyo]. KadikmA, 7(1), 22–33.
Dollah, B. (2016). Tudang Sipulung as The communication group to share information. Journal Pekommas, 1(2), 177.
Ergene, Ö., Ergene, B. Ç., & Yazıcı, E. Z. (2020). Ethnomathematics activities: Reflections from the design and implementation process. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 11(2), 402–437.
Guba, E. G. (1981). ERIC/ECTJ Annual review paper: Criteria for assessing the trustworthiness of naturalistic inquiries. Educational Communication and Technology, 29(2), 75–91.
Gunawan, F. (2014). The Prophetic spirit in lontara Pananrang script at Islamic Bugis society. Paper presented in International Conference of Islamic Civilization, Fakultas Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia.
Hafid, A. (2018). Relasi tanda dalam Lontaraq Pananrang pada masyarakat Lise [Relation of signs in Lontaraq Pananrang to the Lise community]. Universitas Hasanuddin.
Halim, H., Zainuddin, R., & Zainuddin, F. (2017). Eco-Profetik: Integrasi pengetahuan lokal dengan Islam tentang lingkungan [Eco-Prophetic: Integration of local knowledge with Islam about the environment]. Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 17(2), 311–330.
Hartati, L. (2020). Analisis kesulitan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan soal pada mata kuliah teori bilangan [Analysis of students' difficulties in solving problems in number theory courses]. SINASIS (Seminar Nasional Sains), 1(1).
Imat, S. (2020). Eksplorasi etnomatematika pada kepercayaan penentuan hari baik masyarakat Baduy [An ethnomathematics exploration of the belief in determining the good day of the Baduy people]. Jurnal PEKA (Pendidikan Matematika), 4(1), 13–20.
Imswatama, A., & Setiadi, D. (2017). The Etnomathematics of Calculating An Auspicious Day Process In The Javanese Society as Mathematics Learning. Proceeding of The 4th International Symposium on Mathematics Education and Innovation (ISMEI), Issues and Challenges in 21st Century Mathematics Education, “Working Toward Meaningful Teaching and Learning, 105–111.
Izmirli, I. M. (2011). Pedagogy on the ethnomathematics--epistemology nexus: A manifesto. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, 1(2), 27–50.
Kamaluddin, A., Husnah, N., Busthanul, N., & Ali, M. S. S. (2016). “Pananrang”: A guidance of buginese farmers in farming. International Journal of Agriculture System (IJAS), 4(2), 168–177.
Karnilah, N., & Juandi, D. (2013). Study ethnomathematics: Pengungkapan sistem bilangan masyarakat adat Baduy [Ethnomathematics study: Disclosure of the number system of the Baduy indigenous people]. Jurnal Online Pendidikan Matematika Kontemporer, 1(1), 1–16.
Lidinillah, D. A. M., Rahman, Wahyuddin, & Aryanto, S. (2022). Integrating Sundanese ethnomathematics into mathematics curriculum and teaching: A systematic review from 2013 to 2020. Infinity Journal, 11(1), 33–54.
Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1986). But is it rigorous? Trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation. New Directions for Program Evaluation, 1986(30), 73–84.
Maryani, A., Supratman, & Setialesmana, D. (2022). Studi etnomatematika aktivitas menghitung hari baik dalam pernikahan masyarakat kampung adat Pulo [Ethnomatematics study activity counting auspicious days in traditional Pulo village community marriages]. JP3M (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Matematika), 8(1), 73–84.
Maryati, & Prahmana, R. C. I. (2019). Ethnomathematics: Exploration of the Muntuk community. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 8(6), 47–49.
Matang, R. (2002). The role of ethnomathematics in mathematics education in Papua New Guinea: Implications for mathematics curriculum. Journal of Educational Studies, 24(1), 27–37.
Nisa, F. F., Nurjamil, D., & Muhtadi, D. (2019). Studi etnomatematika pada aktivitas urang sunda dalam menentukan pernikahan, pertanian dan mencari benda hilang [An ethnomathematics study on the activities of Sundanese people in determining marriage, farming and searching for lost objects]. JP3M (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Matematika), 5(2), 63–74.
Nur, A. S., Waluya, S. B., Rochmad, R., & Wardono, W. (2020). Contextual learning with Ethnomathematics in enhancing the problem solving based on thinking levels. JRAMathEdu (Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education), 5(3), 331–344.
Nurcahyono, O. H. (2018). Pendidikan multikultural di Indonesia: Analisis sinkronis dan diakronis [Multicultural education in Indonesia: Synchronic and diachronic analysis]. Habitus: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosiologi dan Antropologi, 2(1), 105–115.
Palinussa, A. L. (2013). Students’ critical mathematical thinking skills and character. Journal on Mathematics Education, 4(1), 75–94.
Pathuddin, H., Kamariah, & Ichsan Nawawi, M. (2021). Buginese ethnomathematics: Barongko cake explorations as mathematics learning resources. Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(2), 295–312.
Pathuddin, H., & Raehana, S. (2019). Etnomatematika: Makanan tradisional bugis sebagai sumber belajar matematika [Ethnomathematics: Bugis traditional food as a source of learning mathematics]. MaPan: Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran, 7(2), 307–328.
Prabawati, M. N. (2016). Etnomatematika masyarakat pengrajin anyaman rajapolah kabupaten Tasikmalaya [Ethnomatematics of the Rajapolah woven craftsmen community, Tasikmalaya district]. Infinity Journal, 5(1), 25–31.
Prahmana, R. C. I., & D’Ambrosio, U. (2020). Learning geometry and values from patterns: Ethnomathematics on the batik patterns of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal on Mathematics Education, 11(3), 439–456.
Prahmana, R. C. I., Yunianto, W., Rosa, M., & Orey, D. C. (2021). Ethnomathematics: Pranatamangsa system and the birth-death ceremonial in Yogyakarta. Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(1), 93–112.
Putri, N. E., & Pujiastuti, H. (2022). Studi etnomatematika: Penentuan tanggal masyarakat Baduy dan hubungannya dengan konsep aljabar [Ethnomathematics studies: Determination of the date of the Baduy community and its relationship with algebraic concepts]. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika Al Qalasadi, 6(1), 912–913.
Ramli. (2021). Etnomatematika pada kebiasaan orang Sunda dalam menentukan tanggal pernikahan dan kecocokan pasangan pengantin [Ethnomathematics on the customs of the Sundanese in determining the date of marriage and the suitability of the bride and groom]. Jurnal PEKA (Pendidikan Matematika), 4(2), 45–51.
Rezky, M., & Alam, A. S. (2019). Analisis pelaksanaan program upaya khusus padi, jagung, kedelai (Upsus Pajale) dalam mewujudkan swasembada pangan di Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang [Analysis of the implementation of the special effort program for rice, corn, soybeans (Upsus Pajale) in realizing food self-sufficiency in Sidenreng Rappang Regency]. Government: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 12(2), 81–87.
Risdiyanti, I., & Prahmana, R. C. I. (2020). Ethnomathematics (Teori dan Implementasinya: Suatu Pengantar) [Ethnomathematics (Theory and Its Implementation: An Introduction)]. UAD Press.
Rosa, M., & Orey, D. C. (2010). Culturally relevant pedagogy: An ethnomathematical approach. Horizontes, 28(1), 19–31.
Rosa, M., & Orey, D. C. (2011). Ethnomathematics: The cultural aspects of mathematics. Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática, 4, 32–54.
Setiadi, D., & Imswatama, A. (2017). Pola bilangan matematis perhitungan weton dalam tradisi Jawa dan Sunda [Mathematical number patterns for calculating weton in the Javanese and Sundanese traditions]. ADHUM, VII(2), 75–86.
Spradley, J. P. (2016). The ethnographic interview. Waveland Press.
Suarjana, I. M., Suharta, I. G. P., & Japa, I. G. N. (2014). Etnomatematika sistem kalender Bali [Ethnomatematics of the Balinese calendar system]. Seminar Nasional Riset Inovatif II, 2, 177–182.
Sugianto, A., Abdullah, W., Sumarlam, & Widodo, S. T. (2019). Reyog Ponorogo art exploration as mathematics learning resources: An ethnomathematics study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1188(1).
Suraida, Supandi, & Prasetyowati, D. (2019). Etnomatematika pada perhitungan weton dalam tradisi pernikahan Jawa [Ethnomatematics on the calculation of weton in the Javanese wedding tradition]. Imajiner: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, 1(5), 172–176.
Tahir, R., Rosanna, R., & Djunais, I. (2019). Dampak modernisasi pertanian terhadap petani kecil dan perempuan di Sulawesi Selatan [The impact of agricultural modernization on small farmers and women in South Sulawesi]. Agrokompleks, 19(2), 35–44.
Umbara, U., Wahyudin, W., & Prabawanto, S. (2021). How to predict good days in farming: Ethnomathematics study with an ethnomodelling approach. JRAMathEdu (Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education), 6(1), 71–85.
Utami, N. W., Sayuti, S. A., & Jailani. (2019). Math and mate in Javanese primbon: Ethnomathematics study. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(3), 341–356.
Windiani, W., & Rahmawati, F. N. (2016). Menggunakan metode etnografi dalam penelitian sosial [Using ethnographic methods in social research]. DIMENSI-Journal of Sociology, 9(2).
Yusmar, S. (2008). Penanggalan Bugis-Makassar dalam penentuan awal bulan kamariah menurut syari’ah dan sains [The Bugis-Makassar calendar in determining the beginning of the lunar month according to shari'ah and science]. Hunafa, 5(3), 265–268.
Zahira, F., Rusmana, I. M., & Gardenia, N. (2022). Etnomatematika pada penggunaan perhitungan weton tradisi Jawa kedua calon mempelai [Ethnomatematics on the use of traditional Javanese weton calculations for the bride]. Prosiding Diskusi Panel Nasional Pendidikan Matematika, 80, 299–304.
Zhang, W., & Zhang, Q. (2010). Ethnomathematics and its integration within the mathematics curriculum. Journal of Mathematics Education, 3(1), 151–157.