Main Article Content
Students’ learning speed and number sense are critical aspects of mathematics education, yet little is known about how these factors interrelate across different learner profiles. Addressing this gap, this research investigates the characteristics of students’ number sense in relation to their learning speed, providing a novel perspective on tailoring mathematics instruction. This qualitative case study involved 185 8th and 9th students from seven junior high schools across seven sub-districts in Sukabumi, Indonesia, who had previously studied fractions. The research was conducted in three stages: identifying learning speed through IQ scores, self-assessment, and teacher evaluations; administering a diagnostic test to assess number sense; and analyzing the number sense characteristics of representative students from each learning speed category. Findings reveal a comprehensive mapping of learning speeds, highlighting the role of factors such as conceptual understanding, study habits, and mathematical content processing in number sense achievement. Notably, differences were observed among slow, average, and fast learners, suggesting the need for differentiated instructional strategies. The implications of this study emphasize the importance of targeted approaches in mathematics teaching, enabling educators to foster inclusive environments that cater to diverse learning needs. This research contributes a unique methodology for integrating cognitive and practical assessments to better understand and support students’ mathematical development.
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