Main Article Content
The limit of function as one of the core materials in differential calculus will influence the understanding of subsequent material for the derivative and integral. Several studies on limits show that students still experience learning obstacles or difficulties in solving limit problems. A learning obstacle is a condition that limits the acquisition of new knowledge by students during the learning process, potentially causing difficulties in the learning process. There are 3 types of learning obstacles, namely ontogenic obstacles, didactical obstacles, and epistemological obstacles. This research aims to identify learning obstacles in studying 4 sub-contents of function limits. This research is a qualitative approach with the framework of didactical design research (DDR). The participants are 26 students in mathematics education in semester 1 at Universitas Khairun. Data collection through a written test that consists of 4 essay questions. Students' test answers were corrected using holistic scoring guidelines with 4 different scoring categories. The total score of each participant will be grouped into three criteria of ability. The data analysis is qualitative and consists of three steps: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The findings are the dominant learning obstacle based on the content is the formal definition. The learning obstacles that appeared are the epistemological obstacle, psychological ontogenic, instrumental ontogenic, and conceptual ontogenic. Further research is needed to develop a hypothetical learning trajectory and didactical design that can reduce learning obstacles that occur in the learning process.
Keywords: Limit of function, learning obstacle, differential calculus
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- Adiredja, A. P. (2021). The Pancake Story and the Epsilon–Delta Definition. Primus, 31(6), 662–677.
- Bansilal, S., & Mkhwanazi, T. (2021). Pre-service student teachers’ conceptions of the notion of limit. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 53, 2083 - 2101.
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- Juter, K. (2007). Students' Conceptions of Limits: High Achievers versus Low Achievers. The Mathematics Enthusiast.
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- Nagle, C., Tracy, T., Adams, G., & Scutella, D. (2017). The notion of motion: covariational reasoning and the limit concept. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48(4), 573-586.
- Nurhayati, L., Priatna, N., Herman, T., & Dasari, D. (2023). Learning Obstacle Pada Materi Integral (Antiderivative) Dalam Teori Situasi Didaktis. AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 12(1), 984.
- Nurhayati, L., Suryadi, D., Dasari, D., & Herman, T. (2023). Integral (antiderivative) learning with APOS perspective: A case study. Journal on Mathematics Education, 14(1), 129-148.
- Oehrtman, M. (2008). Layers of abstraction: Theory and design for the instruction of limit concepts. Making the Connection: Research and Teaching in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 65–80.
- Prabowo, A., Suryadi, D., Dasari, D., Juandi, D., & Junaedi, I. (2022). Learning obstacles in the making of lesson plans by prospective mathematics teacher students. Education Research International, 2022(1), 2896860.
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- Purnomo, D., Nusantara, T., & Rahardjo, S. (2017). The Characteristic of the Process of Students' Metacognition in Solving Calculus Problems. International Education Studies, 10(5), 13-25.
- Puspita, E., Suryadi, D., & Rosjanuardi, R. (2023). Learning obstacles of prospective mathematics teachers: A case study on the topic of implicit derivatives. Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif, 14(1), 174–189.
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- Sukarma, I. K., Isnawan, M. G., & Alsulami, N. M. (2023). Understanding Learning Barriers in Fractional Multiplication: An Investigation Using Hermeneutics Phenomenology. International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies, 03(08), 1563–1569.
- Supriadi, N., Diana, N., Muhassin, M., & Lestari, B. D. (2020, February). Guided Discovery Approach in the Development of Calculus Modules on Derivative Material with Islamic Nuance and Environmental Insight. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1467, No. 1, p. 012057). IOP Publishing. https://doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1467/1/012057
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- Varberg, D., Purcell, E., & Rigdon, S. (2013). Calculus: Pearson New International Edition. Pearson Higher Ed. Retrieved from
Adiredja, A. P. (2021). The Pancake Story and the Epsilon–Delta Definition. Primus, 31(6), 662–677.
Bansilal, S., & Mkhwanazi, T. (2021). Pre-service student teachers’ conceptions of the notion of limit. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 53, 2083 - 2101.
Berry, J. S., & Nyman, M. A. (2003). Promoting students’ graphical understanding of the calculus. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 22(4), 479-495.
Boester, T. (2008). A design-based case study of undergraduates’ conceptions of limits. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (Accession Order No. AAT 3314378).
Bressoud, D., Ghedamsi, I., Martinez-Luaces, V., & Törner, G. (2016). Teaching and learning of calculus. Springer Nature.
Brousseau, G. (2002). Theory of Didactical Situations in Mathematics. Kluwer Academic Publihers.
Buyukköroglu, T., Cetin, N., Deniz, A., Ali, S., Mahir, N., & Ureyin, M. (2006). The effect of computers on teaching the limit concept. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning, ISSN: 1473-0111, January, 2012-1-12.
Campbell S, Greenwood M, Prior S, et al. (2020). Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing. 25(8):652-661.
Colson, A. R., & Cooke, R. M. (2018). Expert elicitation: using the classical model to validate experts’ judgments. Volume 12 Number 1. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy.
Denbel, D. G. (2014). Students’ misconceptions of the limit concept in a first calculus course. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(34), 2
Firdaus, A. M., Murtafiah, W., Lukitasari, M., Lestari, N. D. S., Ernawati, T., & Widodo, S. A. (2023). Generalization of patterns drawing of high-performance students based on action, process, object, and schema theory. European Journal of Educational Research, 12(1), 421-433.
Fuadiah, N. F. (2015, May). Epistemological obstacles on mathematic’s learning in junior high school students: A study on the operations of integer material. In Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Sciences (ICRIEMS 2015) (pp. 315-322).
Grossfield, A. (2020). Understanding Calculus: Tying Loose Ends Together. In 2020 CIEC. Proceedings of the 2020 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration.
Gürbüz, M., Ağsu, M., & Özdemir, M. (2018). An analysis of how preservice math teachers construct the concept of limit in their minds. European Journal of Education Studies, 5 (6).
Hardy, N. (2009). Students’ perceptions of institutional practices: the case of limits of functions in college level Calculus courses. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 72, 341-358.
Hendriyanto, A., Suryadi, D., Juandi, D., Dahlan, J. A., Hidayat, R., Wardat, Y., Sahara, S., & Muhaimin, L. H. (2024). The didactic phenomenon: Deciphering students’ learning obstacles in set theory. Journal on Mathematics Education, 15(2), 517-544.
Jatisunda, M.G., Suryadi, D., & Prabawanto, S. (2021). Development of competencies for teaching geometry through an analysis learning obstacle. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1806.
Jordaan, T. (2005). Misconceptions of the limit concept in a mathematics course for engineering students (Doctoral dissertation, University of South Africa).
Juter, K. (2007). Students' Conceptions of Limits: High Achievers versus Low Achievers. The Mathematics Enthusiast.
Lutfi, M. K., Juandi, D., & Jupri, A. (2021). Students' ontogenic obstacle on the topic of triangle, and quadrilateral. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1806(1).
Martono, K. (1999). Kalkulus. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Miles. M and Huberman A. (1994). An expanded sourcebook: Qualitative data analysis, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Retrieved from
Moskal, B. M. (2000). Scoring Rubrics: What, When and How? Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 7, 3.
Nagle, C. (2013). Transitioning from introductory calculus to formal limit conceptions. For the Learning of Mathematics, 33(2), 2–10.
Nagle, C., Tracy, T., Adams, G., & Scutella, D. (2017). The notion of motion: covariational reasoning and the limit concept. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48(4), 573-586.
Nurhayati, L., Priatna, N., Herman, T., & Dasari, D. (2023). Learning Obstacle Pada Materi Integral (Antiderivative) Dalam Teori Situasi Didaktis. AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 12(1), 984.
Nurhayati, L., Suryadi, D., Dasari, D., & Herman, T. (2023). Integral (antiderivative) learning with APOS perspective: A case study. Journal on Mathematics Education, 14(1), 129-148.
Oehrtman, M. (2008). Layers of abstraction: Theory and design for the instruction of limit concepts. Making the Connection: Research and Teaching in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 65–80.
Prabowo, A., Suryadi, D., Dasari, D., Juandi, D., & Junaedi, I. (2022). Learning obstacles in the making of lesson plans by prospective mathematics teacher students. Education Research International, 2022(1), 2896860.
Perbowo, K.S., & Anjarwati, R. (2017). Analysis of Students’ Learning Obstacles On Learning Invers Function Material. Infinity Journal, 6, 169-176.
Purnomo, D., Nusantara, T., & Rahardjo, S. (2017). The Characteristic of the Process of Students' Metacognition in Solving Calculus Problems. International Education Studies, 10(5), 13-25.
Puspita, E., Suryadi, D., & Rosjanuardi, R. (2023). Learning obstacles of prospective mathematics teachers: A case study on the topic of implicit derivatives. Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif, 14(1), 174–189.
Rasmussen, C., Marrongelle, K. & Borba, M.C. (2014). Research on calculus: what do we know and where do we need to go?. ZDM Mathematics Education 46, 507–515.
Sari, R. N., Rosjanuardi, R., Isharyadi, R., & Nurhayati, A. (2024). Level of students' proportional reasoning in solving mathematical problems. Journal on Mathematics Education, 15(4), 1095-1114.
Stewart, J. (1999). Kalkulus, edisi keempat. Translation copyright 2002. Penerbit Erlangga.
Sukarma, I. K., Isnawan, M. G., & Alsulami, N. M. (2023). Understanding Learning Barriers in Fractional Multiplication: An Investigation Using Hermeneutics Phenomenology. International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies, 03(08), 1563–1569.
Supriadi, N., Diana, N., Muhassin, M., & Lestari, B. D. (2020, February). Guided Discovery Approach in the Development of Calculus Modules on Derivative Material with Islamic Nuance and Environmental Insight. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1467, No. 1, p. 012057). IOP Publishing. https://doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1467/1/012057
Suryadi, D. (2019a). Landasan filosofis penelitian desain didaktis (DDR) [Philosophical foundation of didactical design research (DDR)]. Gapura Press.
Swinyard, C. (2011). Reinventing the formal definition of limit: The case of Amy and Mike. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 30(2), 93-114.
Tall, D., Vinner, S. (1981). Concept image and concept definition in mathematics with particular reference to limits and continuity. Educ Stud Math 12, 151–169.
Varberg, D., Purcell, E., & Rigdon, S. (2013). Calculus: Pearson New International Edition. Pearson Higher Ed. Retrieved from