Published: March 1, 2023

An empirical study of factors influencing primary school teachers' long-term commitment to Realistic Mathematics Education

1-18 Giang Thi Chau Nguyen, Chau Thi Hai Pham

Infusing Islamic financial literacy in mathematics education for Islamic school

19-34 Intan Bigita Kusumawati, Achmad Dhany Fachrudin, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Zulkardi

Preservice teachers’ knowledge mobilized in solving area tasks

35-54 Sofía Caviedes, Genaro de Gamboa, Edelmira Badillo

Indonesia-Germany MathCityMap training: Shifting mobile math trails teacher training to a hybrid environment

55-68 Adi Nur Cahyono, Masrukan, Mulyono, Matthias Ludwig, Simone Jablonski, Deng-Xin Ken Oehler

Enhancing prospective mathematics teachers' lesson planning skills through lesson study within school university partnership program

69-84 Fitriati Fitriati, Roslinda Rosli, Zanaton H Iksan

Mathematics literacy task on number pattern using Bengkulu context for junior high school students

85-102 Agus Susanta, Hari Sumardi, Edi Susanto, Heri Retnawati

Exploring problem-solving through the intervention of technology and Realistic Mathematics Education in the Calculus content course

103-128 Raweerote Suparatulatorn, Nipa Jun-on, Ye-Yoon Hong, Pimpaka Intaros, Sarawut Suwannaut

Integral (antiderivative) learning with APOS perspective: A case study

129-148 Lina Nurhayati, Didi Suryadi, Dadan Dasari, Tatang Herman

Identification of characteristics of didactic and meta-didactic mathematical knowledge of novice and expert teachers when reflecting on class episodes

149-168 Yuri Morales-López, Andrew Bocker Páez, Danilo Argüello Vega, Adriana Breda

Lesson study with sharing and jumping tasks in online mathematics classrooms for rural area students

169-188 Benidiktus Tanujaya, Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, Jeinne Mumu