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- Aliakbari, M., & Sadeghdaghighi, A. (2013). Teachers’ perception of the barriers to critical thinking. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 70, 1–5.
- Almario, J. I. F., Castro, R. L. G., Castro, R. L. G., Pabustan, C. J. S., David, C. J. P., Macabali, A. J., Tolentino, J. C. G., & Valenzuela, L. R. (2023). Fostering Pre-service Physical Educators’ Retention of Concepts in a Professional Education Course Using Moneypoly Game. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 4(9), 3366–3389.
- Begum, H. (2020). Impact of Mathematics Teacher’s Competency on Achievement of Primary School Students. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 4(I), 699–712.
- Benedicto, P. N., & Andrade, R. (2022). Problem-Based Learning Strategies and Critical Thinking Skills Among Pre-Service Teachers. International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 2(2), 1–28.
- Biasutti, M., Hennessy, S., & de Vugt-Jansen, E. (2015). Confidence development in non-music specialist trainee primary teachers after an intensive programme. British Journal of Music Education, 32(2), 143–161.
- Braun, H. I., Shavelson, R. J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., & Borowiec, K. (2020). Performance assessment of critical thinking: Conceptualization, design, and implementation. Frontiers in Education, 5, 156.
- Brendefur, J. L., Thiede, K., Strother, S., Bunning, K., & Peck, D. (2013). Developing Mathematical Thinking: Changing Teachers’ Knowledge and Instruction. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2(2), 62-75.
- Chen, X. (2018). Facilitating students’ critical thinking in an inclusive educational environment: Model development and testing. International Journal of Education and Learning, 7(2), 21–32.
- Clark-Wilson, A., Donevska-Todorova, A., Faggiano, E., Trgalová, J., & Weigand, H.-G. (2021). Mathematics Education in the Digital Age (A. Clark-Wilson, A. Donevska-Todorova, E. Faggiano, J. Trgalová, & H.-G. Weigand, Eds.; 1st ed.). Routledge.
- Cremin, T., & Barnes, J. (2018). Creativity and creative teaching and learning. In Cremin, T. and Burnett, C. eds. Learning to Teach in the Primary School (4th ed.). Routledge.
- Dwyer, C. P., Hogan, M. J., & Stewart, I. (2014). An integrated critical thinking framework for the 21st century. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 12, 43–52.
- Dwyer, C. P., & Walsh, A. (2020). An exploratory quantitative case study of critical thinking development through adult distance learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 17–35.
- Ennis, R. H. (1993). Critical thinking assessment. Theory Into Practice, 32(3), 179–186.
- Eze, I. F., Iwu, C. G., & Dubihlela, J. (2022). Students’ views regarding the barriers to learning critical thinking. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(4), 355–364.
- Fahrisa, N., & Parmin, P. (2022). Creative problem solving (CPS) learning to improve ability an student’s critical and creative thinking on science materials. Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2(2), 98–105.
- Firdaus, F., Kailani, I., Bakar, Md. N. Bin, & Bakry, B. (2015). Developing critical thinking skills of students in mathematics learning. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 9(3), 226–236.
- Foster, C., Francome, T., Hewitt, D., & Shore, C. (2021). Principles for the design of a fully-resourced, coherent, research-informed school mathematics curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 53(5), 621–641.
- French, J. N., & Rhoder, C. (1992). Teaching thinking skills: Theory and practice. Garland Pub.
- Golding, J. (2018). Mathematics education in the spotlight: Its purpose and some implications. London Review of Education, 16(3), 460-473.
- Graham, K. J., & Fennell, F. (2010). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics and Teacher Education: Preparing and Empowering Teachers. School Science and Mathematics, 101(6), 319–327.
- Gunawardena, M., & Wilson, K. (2021). Scaffolding students’ critical thinking: A process not an end game. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 41, 100848.
- Halpern, D. F., & Dunn, D. S. (2021). Critical thinking: A model of intelligence for solving real-world problems. Journal of Intelligence, 9(2), 22.
- Hanzalah, M. N., & Sihes, A. J. (2021). Critical thinking skills in education: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 198–201.
- Heywood, J. (2018). Critical thinking, decision making, and problem solving. In Synthesis Lectures on Engineering book series (SLE) (pp. 71–85). Springer Natur Switzerland AG.
- Hooper, G. L., Allen, R. S., Payne-Foster, P., & Oliver, J. S. (2017). A Qualitative Study to Determine Barriers for Prostate Cancer Screening in Rural African-American Men. Urologic Nursing, 37(6), 285.
- Innabi, H., & Sheikh, O. El. (2006). The change in mathematics teachers’ perceptions of critical thinking after 15 years of educational reform in Jordan. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 64(1), 45–68.
- Kemdikbud. (2023). PISA 2022 dan Pemulihan Pembelajaran di Indonesia.
- Kemendikbudristek. (2022). Pedoman Penerapan Kurikulum Dalam Rangka Pemulihan Pembelajaran, Pub. L. No. 56/M/2022.
- Khalid, L., Bucheerei, J., & Issah, M. (2021). Pre-Service teachers’ perceptions of barriers to promoting critical thinking skills in the classroom. SAGE Open, 11(3), 215824402110360.
- Khusna, A. H., Siswono, T. Y. E., & Wijayanti, P. (2024). Research trends in critical thinking skills in mathematics: a bibliometric study. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 13(1), 18-30.
- Kim, K.-N. (2019). Teachers’ administrative workload crowding out instructional activities. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 39(1), 31–49.
- Kim, S., Raza, M., & Seidman, E. (2019). Improving 21st-century teaching skills: The key to effective 21st-century learners. Research in Comparative and International Education, 14(1), 99–117.
- Knight, V., & Robinson, S. P. A. (2019). An Introduction: Establishing a Context for Critical Thinking in Teacher Education. In Handbook of Research on Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy (pp. 1–14).
- Kurniawan, R. Y. (2016, October). Identifikasi permasalahan pendidikan di Indonesia untuk meningkatkan mutu dan profesionalisme guru. Conference: Konvensi Nasional Pendidikan Indonesia VIII.
- Laabidi, Y. (2019). Examining teachers’ perceived barriers to the integration of critical thinking in Moroccan High Schools. ASIAN TEFL Journal of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 4(2), 83.
- Larsson, K. (2017). Understanding and teaching critical thinking-A new approach. International Journal of Educational Research, 84, 32–42.
- Lestari, R., Prahmana, R. C. I., Chong, M. S. F., & Shahrill, M. (2023). Developing realistic mathematics education-based worksheets for improving students’ critical thinking skills. Infinity Journal, 12(1), 69-84.
- Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Sage Publications.
- Liu, O. L., Frankel, L., & Roohr, K. C. (2014). Assessing critical thinking in higher education: Current state and directions for next-generation assessment. ETS Research Report Series, 2014(1), 1–23.
- Machali, I., Wibowo, A., Murfi, A., & Narmaditya, B. S. (2021). From teachers to students creativity? the mediating role of entrepreneurial education. Cogent Education, 8(1), 1943151.
- Magilvy, J. K., & Thomas, E. (2009). A First Qualitative Project: Qualitative Descriptive Design for Novice Researchers. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 14(4), 298–300.
- Magno, C. (2010). The role of metacognitive skills in developing critical thinking. Metacognition and Learning, 5(2), 137–156.
- Mar, G. R. (2021). Thinking matters: Critical thinking as creative problem solving. World Scientific.
- Marishane, M. A., Marishane, R. N., & Mahlo, F. D. (2015). Teacher Capacity for Curriculum Differentiation in Teaching Foundation Phase Mathematics. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(3), 253–262.
- Munna, A. S., & Kalam, M. A. (2021). Teaching and learning process to enhance teaching effectiveness: literature review. International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI), 4(1), 1–4.
- Naz, F., & Murad, H. S. (2017). Innovative teaching has a positive impact on the performance of diverse students. SAGE Open, 7(4), 215824401773402.
- NCTM. (2023). Curricular Coherence and Open Educational Resources. In NCTM.
- OECD. (2023). PISA 2022 Results: Factsheets Indonesia. Https://Www.Oecd.Org/Publication/Pisa-2022-Results/Country-Notes/Indonesia-C2e1ae0e/.
- O’Neill, G., & Padden, L. (2022). Diversifying assessment methods: Barriers, benefits and enablers. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 59(4), 398–409.
- Ouyang, J., & Ye, N. (2023). Differentiated Instruction: Meeting the Needs of All Learners. Curriculum and Teaching Methodology, 6(11), 57-61.
- Pelletier, L. G., & Sharp, E. C. (2009). Administrative pressures and teachers’ interpersonal behaviour in the classroom. Theory and Research in Education, 7(2), 174–183.
- Peter, E. E. (2012). Critical thinking: Essence for teaching mathematics and mathematics problem solving skills. African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, 5(3).
- Pollarolo, E., Størksen, I., Skarstein, T. H., & Kucirkova, N. (2023). Children’s critical thinking skills: Perceptions of Norwegian early childhood educators. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 31(2), 259–271.
- Quaye, F. N. A., Kquofi, S., & Adom, D. (2023). Building the capacity of students in creative problem-solving and critical thinking skills: Aesthetic narrative of Ayigya Township, Ghana. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 4(1), 1–15.
- Ridwan, M. R., Retnawati, H., Hadi, S., & Jailani, J. (2022). Teachers’ perceptions in applying mathematics critical thinking skills for middle school students: A case of phenomenology. Anatolian Journal of Education, 7(1), 1–16.
- Rivas, S. F., Saiz, C., & Ossa, C. (2022). Metacognitive strategies and development of critical thinking in higher education. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 913219.
- Roohr, K. C., & Burkander, K. (2020). Exploring critical thinking as an outcome for students enrolled in community colleges. Community College Review, 48(3), 330–351.
- Rusiana, D. A. (2020, April 3). Jokowi: Guru Sibuk Fokus Urusi Administrasi Lupa Tugas Mengajar . Sindonews.
- Sachdeva, S., & Eggen, P.-O. (2021). Learners’ Critical Thinking About Learning Mathematics. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 16(3), em0644.
- Schmaltz, R. M., Jansen, E., & Wenckowski, N. (2017). Redefining Critical Thinking: Teaching Students to Think like Scientists. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 459.
- Sellars, M., Fakirmohammad, R., Bui, L., Fishetti, J., Niyozov, S., Reynolds, R., Thapliyal, N., Liu-Smith, Y.-L., & Ali, N. (2018). Conversations on Critical Thinking: Can Critical Thinking Find Its Way Forward as the Skill Set and Mindset of the Century? Education Sciences, 8(4), 205.
- Sukarso, A., Artayasa, I. P., Bahri, S., & Azizah, A. (2022). Provision of Creative Teaching Materials in Improving Creative Disposition and Creative Thinking Skills of High School Students. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(6), 2728–2736.
- Suryawan, I. P. P., Sudiarta, I. G. P., & Suharta, I. G. P. (2023). Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Solving Mathematical Problems: Systematic Literature Review. Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Review, 6(1), 120–133.
- Utami, C., Citroresmi Prihatiningtyas, N., Rosmaiyadi, R., Husna, N., Wahyuni, R., & Mursidi, A. (2021). Ability of problem solving and critical thinking of students in learning of creative problem solving (CPS). 2021 The 6th International Conference on Information and Education Innovations, 99–103.
- van der Zanden, P. J. A. C., Denessen, E., Cillessen, A. H. N., & Meijer, P. C. (2020). Fostering critical thinking skills in secondary education to prepare students for university: teacher perceptions and practices. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 25(4), 394–419.
- Vernon, D., Hocking, I., & Tyler, T. (2016). An evidence-based review of creative problem solving tools: A practitioner’s resource. Human Resource Development Review, 15(2), 230–259.
- Vincent-Lancrin, S., González-Sancho, C., Bouckaert, M., de Luca, F., Fernández-Barrerra, M., Jacotin, G., Urgel, J., & Vidal, Q. (2019). Fostering students’ creativity and critical thinking. In Educational Research and Innovation. OECD Publishing.
- Widana, I. W. (2018). Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment towards Critical Thinking on Mathematics Lesson. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (IJSSH), 2(1), 24-32.
- Yasir, A. H., & Alnoori, B. S. M. (2020). Teacher perceptions of critical thinking among students and its influence on higher education. International Journal of Research in Science and Technology, 10(4), 7-19.
- Yuan, R., & Liao, W. (2023). Critical thinking in teacher education: where do we stand and where can we go? Teachers and Teaching, 29(6), 543–552.
- Zlamal, J., Roth Gjevjon, E., Fossum, M., Trygg Solberg, M., Steindal, S. A., Strandell-Laine, C., Hamilton Larsen, M., & Nes, A. A. G. (2022). Technology-supported guidance models stimulating the development of critical thinking in clinical practice: Mixed methods systematic review. JMIR Nursing, 5(1), e37380.
Aliakbari, M., & Sadeghdaghighi, A. (2013). Teachers’ perception of the barriers to critical thinking. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 70, 1–5.
Almario, J. I. F., Castro, R. L. G., Castro, R. L. G., Pabustan, C. J. S., David, C. J. P., Macabali, A. J., Tolentino, J. C. G., & Valenzuela, L. R. (2023). Fostering Pre-service Physical Educators’ Retention of Concepts in a Professional Education Course Using Moneypoly Game. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 4(9), 3366–3389.
Begum, H. (2020). Impact of Mathematics Teacher’s Competency on Achievement of Primary School Students. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 4(I), 699–712.
Benedicto, P. N., & Andrade, R. (2022). Problem-Based Learning Strategies and Critical Thinking Skills Among Pre-Service Teachers. International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 2(2), 1–28.
Biasutti, M., Hennessy, S., & de Vugt-Jansen, E. (2015). Confidence development in non-music specialist trainee primary teachers after an intensive programme. British Journal of Music Education, 32(2), 143–161.
Braun, H. I., Shavelson, R. J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., & Borowiec, K. (2020). Performance assessment of critical thinking: Conceptualization, design, and implementation. Frontiers in Education, 5, 156.
Brendefur, J. L., Thiede, K., Strother, S., Bunning, K., & Peck, D. (2013). Developing Mathematical Thinking: Changing Teachers’ Knowledge and Instruction. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 2(2), 62-75.
Chen, X. (2018). Facilitating students’ critical thinking in an inclusive educational environment: Model development and testing. International Journal of Education and Learning, 7(2), 21–32.
Clark-Wilson, A., Donevska-Todorova, A., Faggiano, E., Trgalová, J., & Weigand, H.-G. (2021). Mathematics Education in the Digital Age (A. Clark-Wilson, A. Donevska-Todorova, E. Faggiano, J. Trgalová, & H.-G. Weigand, Eds.; 1st ed.). Routledge.
Cremin, T., & Barnes, J. (2018). Creativity and creative teaching and learning. In Cremin, T. and Burnett, C. eds. Learning to Teach in the Primary School (4th ed.). Routledge.
Dwyer, C. P., Hogan, M. J., & Stewart, I. (2014). An integrated critical thinking framework for the 21st century. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 12, 43–52.
Dwyer, C. P., & Walsh, A. (2020). An exploratory quantitative case study of critical thinking development through adult distance learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 17–35.
Ennis, R. H. (1993). Critical thinking assessment. Theory Into Practice, 32(3), 179–186.
Eze, I. F., Iwu, C. G., & Dubihlela, J. (2022). Students’ views regarding the barriers to learning critical thinking. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(4), 355–364.
Fahrisa, N., & Parmin, P. (2022). Creative problem solving (CPS) learning to improve ability an student’s critical and creative thinking on science materials. Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2(2), 98–105.
Firdaus, F., Kailani, I., Bakar, Md. N. Bin, & Bakry, B. (2015). Developing critical thinking skills of students in mathematics learning. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 9(3), 226–236.
Foster, C., Francome, T., Hewitt, D., & Shore, C. (2021). Principles for the design of a fully-resourced, coherent, research-informed school mathematics curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 53(5), 621–641.
French, J. N., & Rhoder, C. (1992). Teaching thinking skills: Theory and practice. Garland Pub.
Golding, J. (2018). Mathematics education in the spotlight: Its purpose and some implications. London Review of Education, 16(3), 460-473.
Graham, K. J., & Fennell, F. (2010). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics and Teacher Education: Preparing and Empowering Teachers. School Science and Mathematics, 101(6), 319–327.
Gunawardena, M., & Wilson, K. (2021). Scaffolding students’ critical thinking: A process not an end game. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 41, 100848.
Halpern, D. F., & Dunn, D. S. (2021). Critical thinking: A model of intelligence for solving real-world problems. Journal of Intelligence, 9(2), 22.
Hanzalah, M. N., & Sihes, A. J. (2021). Critical thinking skills in education: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 198–201.
Heywood, J. (2018). Critical thinking, decision making, and problem solving. In Synthesis Lectures on Engineering book series (SLE) (pp. 71–85). Springer Natur Switzerland AG.
Hooper, G. L., Allen, R. S., Payne-Foster, P., & Oliver, J. S. (2017). A Qualitative Study to Determine Barriers for Prostate Cancer Screening in Rural African-American Men. Urologic Nursing, 37(6), 285.
Innabi, H., & Sheikh, O. El. (2006). The change in mathematics teachers’ perceptions of critical thinking after 15 years of educational reform in Jordan. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 64(1), 45–68.
Kemdikbud. (2023). PISA 2022 dan Pemulihan Pembelajaran di Indonesia.
Kemendikbudristek. (2022). Pedoman Penerapan Kurikulum Dalam Rangka Pemulihan Pembelajaran, Pub. L. No. 56/M/2022.
Khalid, L., Bucheerei, J., & Issah, M. (2021). Pre-Service teachers’ perceptions of barriers to promoting critical thinking skills in the classroom. SAGE Open, 11(3), 215824402110360.
Khusna, A. H., Siswono, T. Y. E., & Wijayanti, P. (2024). Research trends in critical thinking skills in mathematics: a bibliometric study. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 13(1), 18-30.
Kim, K.-N. (2019). Teachers’ administrative workload crowding out instructional activities. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 39(1), 31–49.
Kim, S., Raza, M., & Seidman, E. (2019). Improving 21st-century teaching skills: The key to effective 21st-century learners. Research in Comparative and International Education, 14(1), 99–117.
Knight, V., & Robinson, S. P. A. (2019). An Introduction: Establishing a Context for Critical Thinking in Teacher Education. In Handbook of Research on Critical Thinking and Teacher Education Pedagogy (pp. 1–14).
Kurniawan, R. Y. (2016, October). Identifikasi permasalahan pendidikan di Indonesia untuk meningkatkan mutu dan profesionalisme guru. Conference: Konvensi Nasional Pendidikan Indonesia VIII.
Laabidi, Y. (2019). Examining teachers’ perceived barriers to the integration of critical thinking in Moroccan High Schools. ASIAN TEFL Journal of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 4(2), 83.
Larsson, K. (2017). Understanding and teaching critical thinking-A new approach. International Journal of Educational Research, 84, 32–42.
Lestari, R., Prahmana, R. C. I., Chong, M. S. F., & Shahrill, M. (2023). Developing realistic mathematics education-based worksheets for improving students’ critical thinking skills. Infinity Journal, 12(1), 69-84.
Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Sage Publications.
Liu, O. L., Frankel, L., & Roohr, K. C. (2014). Assessing critical thinking in higher education: Current state and directions for next-generation assessment. ETS Research Report Series, 2014(1), 1–23.
Machali, I., Wibowo, A., Murfi, A., & Narmaditya, B. S. (2021). From teachers to students creativity? the mediating role of entrepreneurial education. Cogent Education, 8(1), 1943151.
Magilvy, J. K., & Thomas, E. (2009). A First Qualitative Project: Qualitative Descriptive Design for Novice Researchers. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 14(4), 298–300.
Magno, C. (2010). The role of metacognitive skills in developing critical thinking. Metacognition and Learning, 5(2), 137–156.
Mar, G. R. (2021). Thinking matters: Critical thinking as creative problem solving. World Scientific.
Marishane, M. A., Marishane, R. N., & Mahlo, F. D. (2015). Teacher Capacity for Curriculum Differentiation in Teaching Foundation Phase Mathematics. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(3), 253–262.
Munna, A. S., & Kalam, M. A. (2021). Teaching and learning process to enhance teaching effectiveness: literature review. International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI), 4(1), 1–4.
Naz, F., & Murad, H. S. (2017). Innovative teaching has a positive impact on the performance of diverse students. SAGE Open, 7(4), 215824401773402.
NCTM. (2023). Curricular Coherence and Open Educational Resources. In NCTM.
OECD. (2023). PISA 2022 Results: Factsheets Indonesia. Https://Www.Oecd.Org/Publication/Pisa-2022-Results/Country-Notes/Indonesia-C2e1ae0e/.
O’Neill, G., & Padden, L. (2022). Diversifying assessment methods: Barriers, benefits and enablers. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 59(4), 398–409.
Ouyang, J., & Ye, N. (2023). Differentiated Instruction: Meeting the Needs of All Learners. Curriculum and Teaching Methodology, 6(11), 57-61.
Pelletier, L. G., & Sharp, E. C. (2009). Administrative pressures and teachers’ interpersonal behaviour in the classroom. Theory and Research in Education, 7(2), 174–183.
Peter, E. E. (2012). Critical thinking: Essence for teaching mathematics and mathematics problem solving skills. African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, 5(3).
Pollarolo, E., Størksen, I., Skarstein, T. H., & Kucirkova, N. (2023). Children’s critical thinking skills: Perceptions of Norwegian early childhood educators. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 31(2), 259–271.
Quaye, F. N. A., Kquofi, S., & Adom, D. (2023). Building the capacity of students in creative problem-solving and critical thinking skills: Aesthetic narrative of Ayigya Township, Ghana. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 4(1), 1–15.
Ridwan, M. R., Retnawati, H., Hadi, S., & Jailani, J. (2022). Teachers’ perceptions in applying mathematics critical thinking skills for middle school students: A case of phenomenology. Anatolian Journal of Education, 7(1), 1–16.
Rivas, S. F., Saiz, C., & Ossa, C. (2022). Metacognitive strategies and development of critical thinking in higher education. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 913219.
Roohr, K. C., & Burkander, K. (2020). Exploring critical thinking as an outcome for students enrolled in community colleges. Community College Review, 48(3), 330–351.
Rusiana, D. A. (2020, April 3). Jokowi: Guru Sibuk Fokus Urusi Administrasi Lupa Tugas Mengajar . Sindonews.
Sachdeva, S., & Eggen, P.-O. (2021). Learners’ Critical Thinking About Learning Mathematics. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 16(3), em0644.
Schmaltz, R. M., Jansen, E., & Wenckowski, N. (2017). Redefining Critical Thinking: Teaching Students to Think like Scientists. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 459.
Sellars, M., Fakirmohammad, R., Bui, L., Fishetti, J., Niyozov, S., Reynolds, R., Thapliyal, N., Liu-Smith, Y.-L., & Ali, N. (2018). Conversations on Critical Thinking: Can Critical Thinking Find Its Way Forward as the Skill Set and Mindset of the Century? Education Sciences, 8(4), 205.
Sukarso, A., Artayasa, I. P., Bahri, S., & Azizah, A. (2022). Provision of Creative Teaching Materials in Improving Creative Disposition and Creative Thinking Skills of High School Students. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(6), 2728–2736.
Suryawan, I. P. P., Sudiarta, I. G. P., & Suharta, I. G. P. (2023). Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Solving Mathematical Problems: Systematic Literature Review. Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Review, 6(1), 120–133.
Utami, C., Citroresmi Prihatiningtyas, N., Rosmaiyadi, R., Husna, N., Wahyuni, R., & Mursidi, A. (2021). Ability of problem solving and critical thinking of students in learning of creative problem solving (CPS). 2021 The 6th International Conference on Information and Education Innovations, 99–103.
van der Zanden, P. J. A. C., Denessen, E., Cillessen, A. H. N., & Meijer, P. C. (2020). Fostering critical thinking skills in secondary education to prepare students for university: teacher perceptions and practices. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 25(4), 394–419.
Vernon, D., Hocking, I., & Tyler, T. (2016). An evidence-based review of creative problem solving tools: A practitioner’s resource. Human Resource Development Review, 15(2), 230–259.
Vincent-Lancrin, S., González-Sancho, C., Bouckaert, M., de Luca, F., Fernández-Barrerra, M., Jacotin, G., Urgel, J., & Vidal, Q. (2019). Fostering students’ creativity and critical thinking. In Educational Research and Innovation. OECD Publishing.
Widana, I. W. (2018). Higher Order Thinking Skills Assessment towards Critical Thinking on Mathematics Lesson. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (IJSSH), 2(1), 24-32.
Yasir, A. H., & Alnoori, B. S. M. (2020). Teacher perceptions of critical thinking among students and its influence on higher education. International Journal of Research in Science and Technology, 10(4), 7-19.
Yuan, R., & Liao, W. (2023). Critical thinking in teacher education: where do we stand and where can we go? Teachers and Teaching, 29(6), 543–552.
Zlamal, J., Roth Gjevjon, E., Fossum, M., Trygg Solberg, M., Steindal, S. A., Strandell-Laine, C., Hamilton Larsen, M., & Nes, A. A. G. (2022). Technology-supported guidance models stimulating the development of critical thinking in clinical practice: Mixed methods systematic review. JMIR Nursing, 5(1), e37380.