Citedness by WoS Core Collection


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The Journal on Mathematics Education is cited by articles in High Impact Journal indexed by Web of Science Core Collection (SSCI or SCIE) database at least 57 times for 43 documents. It means that our journal has an international impact and scientific contribution worldwide. For more details, we stated all information as follows:

Journal on Mathematics Education’s Articles

Citedness Article indexed by WoS Core Collection (SCIE and SSCI)

Cited Journal’s Name

Journal Impact Factor (2021)

Highest Quartile Rank

Akbay, L., Terzi, R., Kaplan, M., & Karaaslan, K. G. (2017). Expert-Based Attribute Identification and Validation on Fraction Subtraction: A Cognitively Diagnostic Assessment Application. Journal on Mathematics Education8(1), 103-120.

Terzi, R., & Sen, S. (2019). A nondiagnostic assessment for diagnostic purposes: Q-matrix validation and item-based model fit evaluation for the TIMSS 2011 assessment. SAGE Open9(1), 2158244019832684.




Alrajeh, T. S., & Shindel, B. W. (2020). Student Engagement and Math Teachers Support. Journal on mathematics education11(2), 167-180.

Liu, Q., Du, X., & Lu, H. (2022). Teacher support and learning engagement of EFL learners: The mediating role of self-efficacy and achievement goal orientation. Current Psychology, 1-17.

Current Psychology



Sadoughi, M., & Hejazi, S. Y. (2022). The effect of teacher support on academic engagement: The serial mediation of learning experience and motivated learning behavior. Current Psychology, 1-12.

Current Psychology



Bakar, N. S. A., Maat, S. M., & Rosli, R. (2020). Mathematics Teacher's Self-Efficacy of Technology Integration and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Journal on Mathematics Education11(2), 259-276.

Afari, E., Eksail, F. A. A., Khine, M. S., & Alaam, S. A. (2023). Computer self-efficacy and ICT integration in education: Structural relationship and mediating effects. Education and Information Technologies, 1-17.

Education and Information Technologies



Zeng, Y., Wang, Y., & Li, S. (2022). The relationship between teachers' information technology integration self-efficacy and TPACK: A meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychology13.

Frontiers in Psychology



Awang, M. M., Hashim, A. T. M., Hua, T. K., Ahmad, A. R., & Mamat, N. (2022). Observations of Strategies Used by Secondary School Teachers in Physical Classrooms to Promote Positive Behaviour. Sustainability14(12), 7013.




Cahyono, A. N., Sukestiyarno, Y. L., Asikin, M., Ahsan, M. G. K., & Ludwig, M. (2020). Learning Mathematical Modelling with Augmented Reality Mobile Math Trails Program: How Can It Work?. Journal on Mathematics Education11(2), 181-192.

Poçan, S., Altay, B., & Yaşaroğlu, C. (2023). The Effects of Mobile Technology on Learning Performance and Motivation in Mathematics Education. Education and Information Technologies28(1), 683-712.

Education and Information Technologies



Bhagat, K. K., Yang, F. Y., Cheng, C. H., Zhang, Y., & Liou, W. K. (2021). Tracking the process and motivation of math learning with augmented reality. Educational Technology Research and Development69(6), 3153-3178.

Educational Technology Research and Development



Haas, B., Kreis, Y., & Lavicza, Z. (2021). Integrated STEAM approach in outdoor trails with elementary school pre-service teachers. Educational Technology & Society24(4), 205-219.

Educational Technology & Society



Buentello-Montoya, D. A., Lomelí-Plascencia, M. G., & Medina-Herrera, L. M. (2021). The role of reality enhancing technologies in teaching and learning of mathematics. Computers & Electrical Engineering94, 107287.

Computers & Electrical Engineering



Chong, J. S. Y., Chong, M. S. F., Shahrill, M., & Abdullah, N. A. (2017). Implementing Inquiry-Based Learning and Examining the Effects in Junior College Probability Lessons. Journal on Mathematics Education8(2), 157-164.

Açar, A., Ercan, B., & Altun, S. (2019). Teaching Probability through Understanding by Design: An Examination on Students' Achievement, Attitude and Views. Egitim Ve Bilim-Education and Science44(198).

Egitim Ve Bilim-Education and Science



Dasaprawira, M. N., Zulkardi, & Susanti, E. (2019). Developing mathematics questions of PISA type using Bangka context. Journal on Mathematics Education10(2), 303-314.

Jia, B., Zhu, Z., & Gao, H. (2021). International comparative study of statistics learning trajectories based on PISA data on cognitive diagnostic models. Frontiers in Psychology12, 657858.

Frontiers in Psychology



de Lange, J. (2021). There Is, Probably, No Need for a Design Framework. Journal on Mathematics Education12(2), 365-388.

Yang, Y., & Xu, Z. (2022). Vectorization Analysis of Cultural Creative Design Based on the Recognition Model of Virtual Reality Technology. Mathematical Problems in Engineering2022.

Mathematical Problems in Engineering



Dewantara, A. H., Zulkardi, & Darmawijoyo. (2015). Assessing Seventh Graders' Mathematical Literacy in Solving PISA-Like Tasks. Indonesian Mathematical Society Journal on Mathematics Education6(2), 39-49.

Almarashdi, H. S., & Jarrah, A. M. (2022). The Impact of a Proposed Mathematics Enrichment Program on UAE Students’ Mathematical Literacy Based on the PISA Framework. Sustainability14(18), 11259.




Fowler, S., & Leonard, S. N. (2021). Using design based research to shift perspectives: a model for sustainable professional development for the innovative use of digital tools. Professional Development in Education, 1-13.

Professional Development in Education



Ülger, T. K., Bozkurt, I., & Altun, M. (2020). Thematic analysis of articles focusing on mathematical literacy in mathematics teaching-learning process. Egitim ve Bilim45(201).

Egitim Ve Bilim-Education and Science



Do, T. T., Hoang, K. C., Do, T., Trinh, T. P. T., Nguyen, D. N., Tran, T., ... & Nguyen, T. T. (2021). Factors Influencing Teachers' Intentions to Use Realistic Mathematics Education in Vietnam: An Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal on Mathematics Education12(2), 331-348.

Şanal, S. Ö., & Elmali, F. (2023). Effectiveness of realistic math education on mathematical problem-solving skills of students with learning disability. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 1-18.

European Journal of Special Needs Education



Edo, S. I., Putri, R. I. I., & Hartono, Y. (2013). Investigating secondary school students' difficulties in modeling problems PISA-Model Level 5 and 6. Journal on Mathematics Education4(1), 41-58.

Langi, M., & Jeon, M. (2022). Identifying and Supporting Academically Low-Performing Schools in a Developing Country: An Application of a Specialized Multilevel IRT Model to PISA-D Assessment Data. Psychometrika, 1-25.




Ekawati, R., Kohar, A. W., Imah, E. M., Amin, S. M., & Fiangga, S. (2019). Students' Cognitive Processes in Solving Problem Related to the Concept of Area Conservation. Journal on Mathematics Education10(1), 21-36.

Liu, Z., Zhang, N., Peng, X., Liu, S., Yang, Z., Peng, J., ... & Chen, J. (2022). Exploring the relationship between social interaction, cognitive processing and learning achievements in a MOOC discussion forum. Journal of Educational Computing Research60(1), 132-169.

Journal of Educational Computing Research



Hendriana, H., Rohaeti, E. E., & Hidayat, W. (2017). Metaphorical Thinking Learning and Junior High School Teachers' Mathematical Questioning Ability. Journal on Mathematics Education8(1), 55-64.

Liu, Q., Liu, J., Cai, J., & Zhang, Z. (2020). The relationship between domain-and task-specific self-efficacy and mathematical problem posing: a large-scale study of eighth-grade students in China. Educational Studies in Mathematics105, 407-431.

Educational Studies in Mathematics



Hidyat, W., & Prabawanto, S. (2018). The Mathematical Argumentation Ability and Adversity Quotient (AQ) of Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher. Journal on Mathematics Education9(2), 239-248.

Adnan, R. M., & Matore, M. E. E. M. (2022). Development of Adversity Quotient (AQ) index of pre-service teachers in Institute of Teacher Education (IPG). Frontiers in Public Health10.

Frontiers in Public Health



Jacinto, H., & Carreira, S. (2021). Digital Tools and Paper-and-Pencil in Solving-and-Expressing: How Technology Expands a Student's Conceptual Model of a Covariation Problem. Journal on Mathematics Education12(1), 113-132.

Zhang, M., & Xiang, L. (2022). Analysis of Co-Construction and Sharing Mechanism of Digital Education Resources based on Digital Information Encryption Technology. Security and Communication Networks2022.

Security and Communication Networks



Jannah, R. D., & Putri, R. I. I. (2019). Soft Tennis and Volleyball Contexts in Asian Games for PISA-LIKE Mathematics Problems. Journal on Mathematics Education10(1), 157-170.

Li, F., Jia, N., Wang, H., & Zheng, H. (2022). Nonlinear Random Matrix Model and Research for Quantitative Representation of Volleyball Attacker’s Action Links. Mathematical Problems in Engineering2022.

Mathematical Problems in Engineering



Jupri, A., Sispiyati, R., & Chin, K. E. (2021). An investigation of students’ algebraic proficiency from a structure sense perspective. Journal on Mathematics Education12(1), 147-158.

Closser, A. H., Chan, J. Y. C., & Ottmar, E. (2023). Resisting the urge to calculate: The relation between inhibitory control and perceptual cues in arithmetic performance. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218231156125.

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology



Kadir, L., & Satriawati, G. (2017). The implementation of open-inquiry approach to improve students’ learning activities, responses, and mathematical creative thinking skills. Journal on Mathematics Education8(1), 103-114.

Wahyudi, W., Waluya, S. B., Suyitno, H., & Isnarto, I. (2021). Schemata and creative thinking ability in cool-critical-creative-meaningful (3CM) learning. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education22(1), 1-28.

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education



Kamaliyah, K., Zulkardi, Z., & Darmawijoyo, D. (2013). Developing the sixth level of PISA-like mathematics problems for secondary school students. Journal on Mathematics Education4(1), 9-28.

Güre, Ö. B., Kayri, M., & Erdoğan, F. (2020). Analysis of Factors Effecting PISA 2015 Mathematics Literacy via Educational Data Mining. Education & Science/Egitim ve Bilim45(202), 393-415.

Egitim Ve Bilim-Education and Science



Kenedi, A. K., Helsa, Y., Ariani, Y., Zainil, M., & Hendri, S. (2019). Mathematical Connection of Elementary School Students to Solve Mathematical Problems. Journal on Mathematics Education10(1), 69-80.

Gökçe, S., & Yenmez, A. A. (2022). Ingenuity of scratch programming on reflective thinking towards problem solving and computational thinking. Education and Information Technologies, 1-25.

Education and Information Technologies



Kurniati, K., Kusumah, Y. S., Sabandar, J., & Herman, T. (2015). Mathematical critical thinking ability through contextual teaching and learning approach. Journal on Mathematics Education6(1), 53-62.

Hwang, G. J., & Chang, C. Y. (2020). Facilitating decision-making performances in nursing treatments: A contextual digital game-based flipped learning approach. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(1), 156-171.

Interactive Learning Environments



Lasa, A., Abaurrea, J., & Iribas, H. (2020). Mathematical Content on STEM Activities. Journal on Mathematics Education11(3), 333-346.

Diego-Mantecon, J. M., Prodromou, T., Lavicza, Z., Blanco, T. F., & Ortiz-Laso, Z. (2021). An attempt to evaluate STEAM project-based instruction from a school mathematics perspective. ZDM–Mathematics Education53(5), 1137-1148.

ZDM–Mathematics Education



Montoro, A. B., Aguayo-Arriagada, C. G., & Flores, P. (2021). Measurement in Primary School Mathematics and Science Textbooks. Mathematics9(17), 2127.




Minarni, A., Napitupulu, E., & Husein, R. (2016). Mathematical understanding and representation ability of public junior high school in North Sumatra. Journal on Mathematics Education7(1), 43-56.

Kong, S. F., & Mohd Matore, M. E. E. (2022). Can a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) approach enhance students’ mathematics performance?. Sustainability14(1), 379.




Muhtadi, D., & Prahmana, R. C. I. (2017). Sundanese Ethnomathematics: Mathematical Activities in Estimating, Measuring, and Making Patterns. Journal on Mathematics Education8(2), 185-198.

Prahmana, R. C. I., & Istiandaru, A. (2021). Learning sets theory using shadow puppet: A study of Javanese ethnomathematics. Mathematics9(22), 2938.




Napitupulu, E. E., Suryadi, D., & Kusumah, Y. S. (2016). Cultivating upper secondary students' mathematical reasoning-ability and attitude towards mathematics through problem-based learning. Journal on mathematics education7(2), 117-128.

Abdullah, A. H., Soh, H. M., Mokhtar, M., Hamzah, M. H., Ashari, Z. M., Ali, D. F., ... & Abd Rahman, S. N. S. (2020). Does the use of smart board increase students’ higher order thinking skills (HOTS)?. IEEE Access9, 1833-1854.

IEEE Access



Nor, N. A. K. M., Ismail, Z., & Yusof, Y. M. (2016). The relationship between emotional intelligence and mathematical competency among secondary school students. Journal on Mathematics Education7(2), 91-100.

Suseelan, M., Chew, C. M., & Chin, H. (2023). School-type difference among rural grade four Malaysian students’ performance in solving mathematics word problems involving higher order thinking skills. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education21(1), 49-69.

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education



Oktaviyanthi, R., & Supriani, Y. (2015). Utilizing Microsoft Mathematics in Teaching and Learning Calculus. Journal on Mathematics Education6(1), 63-76.

Lopez-Caudana, E., Ramirez-Montoya, M. S., Martínez-Pérez, S., & Rodríguez-Abitia, G. (2020). Using robotics to enhance active learning in mathematics: A multi-scenario study. Mathematics8(12), 2163.




Oktiningrum, W., Zulkardi, Z., & Hartono, Y. (2016). Developing PISA-like mathematics task with Indonesia natural and cultural heritage as context to assess students mathematical literacy. Journal on Mathematics Education7(1), 1-8.

Ülger, T. K., Bozkurt, I., & Altun, M. (2020). Thematic analysis of articles focusing on mathematical literacy in mathematics teaching-learning process. Egitim ve Bilim45(201), 1-37.

Egitim Ve Bilim-Education and Science



Putri, R. I. I., & Zulkardi. (2020). Designing PISA-Like Mathematics Task Using Asian Games Context. Journal on Mathematics Education11(1), 135-144.

Almarashdi, H. S., & Jarrah, A. M. (2022). The Impact of a Proposed Mathematics Enrichment Program on UAE Students’ Mathematical Literacy Based on the PISA Framework. Sustainability14(18), 11259.




Riyanto, B., Zulkardi, & Putri, R. I. I. (2019). Senior High School Mathematics Learning through Mathematics Modeling Approach. Journal on Mathematics Education10(3), 425-444.

Ling, H. (2022). Teaching Design of Mathematics Application Based on Naive Bayes. Mathematical Problems in Engineering2022.

Mathematical Problems in Engineering



Saadati, F., Tarmizi, R. A., & Ayub, A. F. M. (2014). Utilization of Information and Communication Technologies in Mathematics Learning. Indonesian Mathematical Society Journal on Mathematics Education5(2), 138-147.

Qaddumi, H., Bartram, B., & Qashmar, A. L. (2021). Evaluating the impact of ICT on teaching and learning: A study of Palestinian students’ and teachers’ perceptions. Education and information technologies26(2), 1865-1876.

Education and Information Technologies



Sari, D. P., & Darhim, D. (2020). Implementation of react strategy to develop mathematical representation, reasoning, and disposition ability. Journal on Mathematics Education11(1), 145-156.

Tong, D. H., Uyen, B. P., & Quoc, N. V. A. (2021). The improvement of 10th students' mathematical communication skills through learning ellipse topics. Heliyon7(11), e08282.




Akay, C., & Kanadli, S. (2021). The Effect of React Strategy on Achievement in Science Education: A Mixed Research Synthesis. Journal of Baltic Science Education20(6), 868-880.

Journal of Baltic Science Education



Arıkan, A., & Aladağ, E. (2021). The Effect of Activities Based on REACT Strategy in Social Studies Courses on Students' Academic Achievement, Attitudes Towards Social Studies Courses and on the Retention of Learning. Egitim ve Bilim46(206), 379-405.

Egitim Ve Bilim-Education and Science



Sari, D. P., Darhim, D., & Rosjanuardi, R. (2018). Errors of students learning with react strategy in solving the problems of mathematical representation ability. Journal on Mathematics Education9(1), 121-128.

Arıkan, A., & Aladağ, E. (2021). The Effect of Activities Based on REACT Strategy in Social Studies Courses on Students' Academic Achievement, Attitudes Towards Social Studies Courses and on the Retention of Learning. Egitim ve Bilim46(206), 379-405.

Egitim Ve Bilim-Education and Science



Setiawan, Y. E., Purwanto, P., Parta, I. N., & Sisworo, S. (2020). Generalization strategy of linear patterns from field-dependent cognitive style. Journal on Mathematics Education11(1), 77-94.

Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y., Hsu, H. T., & Tai, K. H. (2021). Gestalt perception: A game designed to explore players’ gameplay self-efficacy and anxiety reflected in their learning effects. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-18.

Journal of Research on Technology in Education



Son, A. L., & Fatimah, S. (2020). Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Based on Teaching Models Intervention and Cognitive Style. Journal on Mathematics Education11(2), 209-222.

Şanal, S. Ö., & Elmali, F. (2023). Effectiveness of realistic math education on mathematical problem-solving skills of students with learning disability. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 1-18.

European Journal of Special Needs Education



Sosa-Moguel, L., & Aparicio-Landa, E. (2021). Secondary School Mathematics Teachers' Perceptions about Inductive Reasoning and Their Interpretation in Teaching. Journal on Mathematics Education12(2), 239-256.

Soeharto, S., & Csapó, B. (2022). Assessing Indonesian student inductive reasoning: Rasch analysis. Thinking Skills and Creativity46, 101132.

Thinking Skills and Creativity



Stacey, K. (2011). The PISA view of mathematical literacy in Indonesia. Journal on mathematics education2(2), 95-126.

Wiyono, B. B., Rasyad, A., & Maisyaroh. (2021). The Effect of Collaborative Supervision Approaches and Collegial Supervision Techniques on Teacher Intensity Using Performance-Based Learning. SAGE Open11(2), 21582440211013779.




Surya, E., Sabandar, J., Kusumah, Y. S., & Darhim, D. (2013). Improving of junior high school visual thinking representation ability in mathematical problem solving by CTL. Journal on Mathematics Education4(1), 113-126.


Wahyudi, W., Waluya, S. B., Suyitno, H., & Isnarto, I. (2021). Schemata and creative thinking ability in cool-critical-creative-meaningful (3CM) learning. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education22(1), 1-28.

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education



Suryaningrum, C. W., Susanto, H., Ningtyas, Y. D. W. K., & Irfan, M. (2020). Semiotic Reasoning Emerges in Constructing Properties of a Rectangle: A Study of Adversity Quotient. Journal on Mathematics Education11(1), 95-110.

Widodo, W., Gustari, I., & Chandrawaty, C. (2022). Adversity Quotient Promotes Teachers’ Professional Competence More Strongly Than Emotional Intelligence: Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Intelligence10(3), 44.

Journal of Intelligence



Zhao, Y., Sang, B., & Ding, C. (2021). The roles of emotional intelligence and adversity quotient in life satisfaction. Current Psychology, 41(12), 9063-9072.

Current Psychology



Matore, M. E. E. M., Zainal, M. A., Noh, M. F. M., Khairani, A. Z., & Abd Razak, N. (2021). The development and psychometric assessment of malaysian youth adversity quotient instrument (MY-AQi) by combining rasch model and confirmatory factor analysis. IEEE Access9, 13314-13329.

IEEE Access



Sutiarso, S., Coesamin, C., & Nurhanurawati, N. (2018). The effect of various media scaffolding on increasing understanding of students’ geometry concepts. Journal on Mathematics Education9(1), 95-102.

Liang, C. P., & She, H. C. (2021). Investigate the effectiveness of single and multiple representational scaffolds on mathematics problem solving: evidence from eye movements. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-16.

Interactive Learning Environments



Tanudjaya, C. P., & Doorman, M. (2020). Examining Higher Order Thinking in Indonesian Lower Secondary Mathematics Classrooms. Journal on Mathematics Education11(2), 277-300.

Ow-Yeong, Y. K., Yeter, I. H., & Ali, F. (2023). Learning data science in elementary school mathematics: a comparative curriculum analysis. International Journal of STEM Education10(1), 8.

International Journal of STEM Education



Ummah, S. K., In'am, A., & Azmi, R. D. (2019). Creating Manipulatives: Improving Students' Creativity through Project-Based Learning. Journal on Mathematics Education10(1), 93-102.

Pan, A. J., Lai, C. F., & Kuo, H. C. (2023). Investigating the impact of a possibility-thinking integrated project-based learning history course on high school students' creativity, learning motivation, and history knowledge. Thinking Skills and Creativity47, 101214.

Thinking Skills and Creativity



Cheng, L., Zhang, X., Lin, J., Dong, Y., Zhang, J., & Tong, Z. (2022). Social-emotional classroom climate and academic achievement for Chinese elementary students: The roles of convergent and divergent thinking. School Psychology International, 01430343221128825.

School Psychology International



Wijaya, A. (2016). Students' information literacy: A perspective from mathematical literacy. Journal on Mathematics Education7(2), 73-82.

Malik, A., Ali, S., Batool, S. H., & Ameen, K. (2022). Linking Information Literacy with Research Productivity: A Survey of Mathematicians in Pakistan. Portal: Libraries and the Academy22(2), 475-498.

Portal: Libraries and the Academy



Yansen, D., Putri, R. I. I., & Fatimah, S. (2019). Developing PISA-Like Mathematics Problems on Uncertainty and Data Using Asian Games Football Context. Journal on Mathematics Education10(1), 37-46.

Fowler, S., & Leonard, S. N. (2021). Using design based research to shift perspectives: a model for sustainable professional development for the innovative use of digital tools. Professional Development in Education, 1-13.

Professional Development in Education

