Published: March 1, 2022

Conceptualizing micro-adaptive teaching practices in content-specific ways: Case study on fractions

1-30 Susanne Prediger, Kim Quabeck, Kirstin Erath

Exploring quantitative relationship through area conservation activity

31-50 Puspita Sari, Swee Fong Ng

Beliefs, performance, and applicability of mathematics in learning for life: The multi-case study at secondary education institutes in Italy

51-68 Viviana Malvasi, Javier Gil-Quintana

Integrating GeoGebra into the flipped learning approach to improve students' self-regulated learning during the covid-19 pandemic

69-86 Naufal Ishartono, Adi Nurcahyo, Mohamad Waluyo, Harun Joko Prayitno, Millenia Hanifah

Disrupting school spaces to enhance mathematics teaching and learning

87-102 Zingiswa Jojo, Nomanesi Madikizela-Madiya

An ePub learning module and students' mathematical reasoning ability: A development study

103-118 Wahyu Hidayat, Euis Eti Rohaeti, Agie Ginanjar, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri

Secondary school teachers’ perceptions of STEM pedagogical content knowledge

119-134 Noor Anita Rahman, Roslinda Rosli, Azmin Sham Rambely, Nur Choiro Siregar, Mary Margaret Capraro, Robert M. Capraro

Designing geometrical learning activities assisted with ICT media for supporting students’ higher order thinking skills

135-148 Meryansumayeka, Zulkardi, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Cecil Hiltrimartin

Perspectives on the problem-posing activity by prospective teachers: A cross-national study

149-172 Linda Devi Fitriana, Rooselyna Ekawati, Zoltán Kovács

Effectiveness of gamification in teaching and learning mathematics

173-190 Noor Amalina Nisa Ariffin, Nazirah Ramli, Nik Muhammad Farhan Hakim Nik Badrul Alam, Yusharina Yusof, Azimah Suparlan