Published: March 1, 2025

Learning numeracy using new Pempek mathematics

1-22 Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Zulkardi, Novita Sari, Laela Sagita, E. I. Pusta Siligar, Yovika Sukma

Number sense of junior high school students based on learning speed: Slow, average, and fast learners

23-48 Pujia Siti Balkist, Al Jupri

A proposed constructivism-based instructional model to enhance metacognition and mathematical problem-solving skills in Bhutanese grade nine students

49-70 Bijoy Hangmo Subba, Skonchai Chanunan, Wanintorn Poonpaiboonpipat

Proportional reasoning in the artisan personality type: A case study of high school students in trigonometry ratios

71-90 Andi Mariani Ramlan, I Ketut Budayasa, Endah Budi Rahaju

Numeracy skill development in prospective mathematics teachers: Challenges and opportunities in real-world contexts

91-110 Sri Winarni, Kamid, Jefri Marzal, Asrial

Pre-service mathematics teachers’ proof comprehension through Toulmin’s argumentation model

111-130 Angel Mukuka, Benjamin Tatira

Students’ financial literacy in math classroom: Insights into financial awareness

131-152 Laela Sagita, Niken Wahyu Utami, Nendra Mursetya Somasih Dwipa, Bintang Wicaksono

Learning obstacles and the didactical design for teaching the limit of function in a Calculus course

153-172 Wilda Syam Tonra, Didi Suryadi, Endang Cahya Mulyaning, Kusnandi

Rehabilitation of children with a cochlear implant: Overcoming difficulties in solving mathematical problems

173-196 Bauyrzhan Sikinbayev, Suad Abdalkareem Alwaely, Aigul Ganeeva

Javanese folklore with moral values: An impactful context in learning relations and functions

197-224 Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, Irma Risdiyanti, Nur Robiah Nofikusumawati Peni, Novita Ristiana, Rahmi Ramadhani

A praxeological analysis of linear equations in Indonesian mathematics textbooks: Focusing on systemic and epistemic aspect

225-254 Dilham Fardian, Didi Suryadi, Sufyani Prabawanto

Pre-service teachers’ perspective toward problematic word problems

255-274 Abolfazl Rafiepour, Zohreh Khazaie, Lieven Verschaffel

The potential problem to explore students’ functional thinking in mathematical problem-solving

275-298 Luthfiana Tarida, Mega Teguh Budiarto, Agung Lukito