Published: September 1, 2024

Designing learning trajectory to support preservice mathematics teachers' skills in creating and implementing realistic mathematics tasks

701-716 Veronika Fitri Rianasari, Angela Fatima H. Guzon

Examining undergraduate students' abstraction of conic sections in a dynamic geometry environment

717-734 Mayang Dintarini, Yusuf Fuad, Mega Teguh Budiarto

Alternative ways to initiate students’ intuition, and hence internalization, of why zero factorial is equal to one

735-750 Munir Mahmood, Lori Murray, Ricardas Zitikis, Ibtihal Mahmood

Radial Basis Function Neural Network with ensemble clustering for modeling mathematics achievement in Indonesia based on cognitive and non-cognitive factors

751-770 Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa, Pusparani Puan Prihastuti, Muhammad Fauzan, Endang Listyani

The effects of gradual release of assistance instruction on students’ heuristics, confidence, and attitude toward independent problem-solving

771-792 Ryan L. Cerveza, Minie Rose C. Lapinid

Classifying analogical thinking for mathematical problem-solving

793-814 Muhammad Noor Kholid, Himmatul Fadhilah, Nguyen Phu Loc, Ioana Christina Magdas

Enhancing fraction learning through problem-solving and historical context: A didactic unit approach

815-834 Roberto Carlos Torres-Peña, Darwin Peña-González, Edwan Anderson Ariza

Integrating ethnomathematics and ethnomodeling in Institutionalization of school mathematics concepts: A study of fishermen community activities

835-858 Sudirman, Camilo Andrés Rodríguez-Nieto, Ebenezer Bonyah

Designed activities on developing mental strategies using alms value-based learning trajectory in elementary school

859-882 Neni Mariana, Febriarsita Eka Sasmita

Production and evaluation of audiovisual material to support the teaching of mathematics in eighth-grade learners

883-904 Andrés Benavides Piedra, Irving Reascos

Challenges of Indonesian elementary school mathematics teachers in integrating critical thinking into the classroom

905-924 Novy Trisnani, Heri Retnawati, Wuri Wuryandani

Didactic strategy of linear algebra with collaborative learning in mathematics pedagogical training

925-944 Verónica Díaz, Alejandro Hernández-Díaz, Carmen Oval

When designer meets local culture: The promising learning trajectory on the surface area of polyhedron

945-960 Idul Adha, Zulkardi, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Somakim

Motivation in learning mathematics among high school students in Ningbo, China

961-978 He Mengyao, Zaleha Ismail, Norulhuda Ismail, He Xueting

Investigating the effect of manipulatives on mathematics achievement: The role of concrete and virtual manipulatives for diverse achievement level groups

979-1002 Sagheer Ahmad, Hans-Stefan Siller

Mathematical literacy learning environment for inclusive education teachers: A framework

1003-1026 Irma Risdiyanti, Zulkardi, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana

Investigating the use of ChatGPT to solve a GeoGebra based mathematics+computational thinking task in a geometry topic

1027-1052 Wahid Yunianto, Zsolt Lavicza, Oliver Kastner-Hauler, Tony Houghton