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- Benavides-Varela, S., Callegher, C. Z., Fagiolini, B., Leo, I., Altoe, G., & Lucangeli, D. (2020). Effectiveness of digital-based interventions for children with mathematical learning difficulties: A meta-analysis. Computers & Education, 157, 103953-103953.
- Bergqvist, T., & Lithner, J. (2012). Mathematical reasoning in teachers' presentations. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 31(2), 252-269.
- Bergqvist, T., Lithner, J., & Sumpter, L. (2008). Upper secondary students' task reasoning. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 39(1), 1-12.
- Dasaprawira, M. N., Zulkardi, Z., & Susanti, E. (2019). Developing mathematics questions of PISA type using Bangka context. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(2), 303-314.
- de Castro, B. (2004). Pre-service teachers’ mathematical reasoning as an imperative for codified conceptual pedagogy in algebra: A case study in teacher education. Asia Pacific Education Review, 5(2), 157-166.
- Efriani, A., Putri, R. I. I., & Hapizah, H. (2019). Sailing context in PISA-like mathematics problems. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(2), 265-276.
- Eriksson, H., & Sumpter, L. (2021). Algebraic and fractional thinking in collective mathematical reasoning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 1-19.
- Firdaus, F. M., Wahyudin, W., & Herman, T. (2017). Improving primary students' mathematical literacy through problem based learning and direct instruction. Educational Research and Reviews, 12(4), 212-219.
- Fitriani, N., Suryadi, D., & Darhim. (2018). The students’ mathematical abstraction ability through realistic mathematics education with VBA-Microsoft Excel. Infinity, 7(2), 123-132.
- Gorev, P. M., Telegina, N. V., Karavanova, L. Z., & Feshina, S. S. (2018). Puzzles as a didactic tool for development of mathematical abilities of junior schoolchildren in basic and additional mathematical education. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(10), em1602-em1602.
- Granberg, C., & Olsson, J. (2015). ICT-supported problem solving and collaborative creative reasoning: Exploring linear functions using dynamic mathematics software. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 37, 48-62.
- Hendriana, H., Eti Rohaeti, E., & Hidayat, W. (2017). Metaphorical thinking learning and junior high school teachers' mathematical questioning ability. Journal on Mathematics Education, 8(1), 55-64.
- Hendriana, H., & Fadhillah, F. M. (2019). The students’ mathematical creative thinking ability of junior high school through problem-solving approach. Infinity Journal, 8(1), 11-20.
- Hendriana, H., Prahmana, R. C. I., & Hidayat, W. (2018). Students’ performance skills in creative mathematical reasoning. Infinity Journal, 7(2), 83-96.
- Hendriana, H., Prahmana, R. C. I., & Hidayat, W. (2019). The innovation of learning trajectory on multiplication operations for rural area students in Indonesia. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(3), 397-408.
- Hidayat, W., Wahyudin, W., & Prabawanto, S. (2018). The mathematical argumentation ability and adversity quotient (AQ) of pre-service mathematics teacher. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9(2), 239-248.
- Hwang, J., & Ham, Y. (2021). Relationship between mathematical literacy and opportunity to learn with different types of mathematical tasks. Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(2), 199-222.
- Jonsson, B., Norqvist, M., Liljekvist, Y., & Lithner, J. (2014). Learning mathematics through algorithmic and creative reasoning. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 36, 20-32.
- Kadarisma, G., Fitriani, N., & Amelia, R. (2020). Relationship between misconception and mathematical abstraction of geometry at junior high school. Infinity Journal, 9(2), 213-222.
- Kim, N. J., Belland, B. R., & Walker, A. E. (2018). Effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding in the context of problem-based learning for STEM education: Bayesian meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 30(2), 397-429.
- Klingenberg, O. G., Holkesvik, A. H., & Augestad, L. B. (2020). Digital learning in mathematics for students with severe visual impairment: a systematic review. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 38(1), 38-57.
- Kurniawan, H., Putri, R. I. I., & Hartono, Y. (2018). Developing open-ended questions for surface area and volume of beam. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9(1), 157-168.
- Kusmaryono, I., Suyitno, H., Dwijanto, D., & Dwidayati, N. (2018). Analysis of abstract reasoning from grade 8 students in mathematical problem solving with SOLO taxonomy guide. Infinity Journal, 7(2), 69-82.
- Kusmaryono, I., Ubaidah, N., & Basir, M. A. (2020). The role of scaffolding in the deconstructing of thinking structure: A case study of pseudo-thinking process. Infinity Journal, 9(2), 247-262.
- Leong, Y. H., Cheng, L. P., Toh, W. Y. K., Kaur, B., & Toh, T. L. (2021). Teaching students to apply formula using instructional materials: a case of a Singapore teacher’s practice. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 33(1), 89-111.
- Li, F.-Y., Hwang, G.-J., Chen, P.-Y., & Lin, Y.-J. (2021). Effects of a concept mapping-based two-tier test strategy on students’ digital game-based learning performances and behavioral patterns. Computers & Education, 173, 104293-104293.
- Lithner, J. (2008). A research framework for creative and imitative reasoning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 67(3), 255-276.
- Lithner, J. (2014). Mathematical reasoning in task solving. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 41(2).
- Lithner, J. (2017). Principles for designing mathematical tasks that enhance imitative and creative reasoning. Zdm, 49, 937-949.
- Mac an Bhaird, C., Nolan, B. C., O’Shea, A., & Pfeiffer, K. (2017). A study of creative reasoning opportunities in assessments in undergraduate calculus courses. Research in Mathematics Education, 19(2), 147-162.
- Machromah, I. U., Utami, N. S., Setyaningsih, R., Mardhiyana, D., & Fatmawati, L. W. S. (2021). Minimum competency assessment: Designing tasks to support students’ numeracy. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 3268-3277.
- Maharani, A., Wahyuni, I., & Oktavianingsih, C. (2020). Watson’s categories analysis of sequences and series question. Infinity Journal, 9(1), 10.
- Mann, L., Chang, R., Chandrasekaran, S., Coddington, A., Daniel, S., Cook, E., Crossin, E., Cosson, B., Turner, J., & Mazzurco, A. (2021). From problem-based learning to practice-based education: A framework for shaping future engineers. European Journal of Engineering Education, 46(1), 27-47.
- Masfingatin, T., Murtafiah, W., & Maharani, S. (2020). Exploration of creative mathematical reasoning in solving geometric problems. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 14(2), 155-168.
- Megawati, L. A., & Sutarto, H. (2021). Analysis numeracy literacy skills in terms of standardized math problem on a minimum competency assessment. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 10(2), 155-165.
- Merritt, J., Lee, M. Y., Rillero, P., & Kinach, B. M. (2017). Problem-based learning in K–8 mathematics and science education: A literature review. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 11(2).
- Morsanyi, K., McCormack, T., & O'Mahony, E. (2018). The link between deductive reasoning and mathematics. Thinking & Reasoning, 24(2), 234-257.
- Mulyanto, H., Gunarhadi, G., & Indriayu, M. (2018). The effect of problem based learning model on student mathematics learning outcomes viewed from critical thinking skills. International Journal of Educational Research Review, 3(2), 37-45.
- Norqvist, M. (2018). The effect of explanations on mathematical reasoning tasks. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49(1), 15-30.
- Nusantara, D. S., Zulkardi, Z., & Putri, R. I. I. (2021). Designing pisa-like mathematics task using a COVID-19 context (Pisacomat). Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(2), 349-364.
- Powell, S. R., & Fuchs, L. S. (2018). Effective word-problem instruction: Using schemas to facilitate mathematical reasoning. Teaching exceptional children, 51(1), 31-42.
- Pratiwi, I., Putri, R. I. I., & Zulkardi, Z. (2019). Long jump in Asian games: Context of PISA-like mathematics problems. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(1), 81-92.
- Purwitaningrum, R., & Prahmana, R. C. I. (2021). Developing instructional materials on mathematics logical thinking through the Indonesian realistic mathematics education approach. International Journal of Education and Learning, 3(1), 13-19.
- Rachma, A. A., & Rosjanuardi, R. (2021). Students’ obstacles in learning sequence and series using onto-semiotic approach. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 15(2), 18.
- Ramadhani, R., Rofiqul, U., Abdurrahman, A., & Syazali, M. (2019). The effect of flipped-problem based learning model integrated with LMS-google classroom for senior high school students. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(2), 137-158.
- Rawani, D., Putri, R. I. I., & Hapizah, H. (2019). PISA-like mathematics problems: Using taekwondo context of Asian games. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(2), 277-288.
- Risnawati, R., Andrian, D., Azmi, M. P., Amir, Z., & Nurdin, E. (2019). Development of a definition maps-based plane geometry module to improve the student teachers' mathematical reasoning ability. International Journal of Instruction, 12(3).
- Rohaeti, E. E., Fitriani, N., & Akbar, P. (2020). Developing an interactive learning model using visual basic applications with ethnomathematical contents to improve primary school students’ mathematical reasoning. Infinity Journal, 9(2), 275-286.
- Saleh, M., Prahmana, R. C. I., Isa, M., & Murni, M. (2017). Improving the reasoning ability of elementary school student through the Indonesian realistic mathematics education. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9(1), 41-54.
- Schleicher, A. (2019). PISA 2018: Insights and interpretations. OECD Publishing.
- Setiawan, A. (2020). The effect of cognitive styles on reasoning and problem solving ability. Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices, 1(2), 87-93.
- Suprapto, E., Fahrizal, F., Priyono, P., & Basri, K. (2017). The application of problem-based learning strategy to increase high order thinking skills of senior vocational school students. International Education Studies, 10(6), 123-129.
- Thompson, P. W., Hatfield, N. J., Yoon, H., Joshua, S., & Byerley, C. (2017). Covariational reasoning among US and South Korean secondary mathematics teachers. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 48, 95-111.
- Thuneberg, H. M., Salmi, H. S., & Bogner, F. X. (2018). How creativity, autonomy and visual reasoning contribute to cognitive learning in a STEAM hands-on inquiry-based math module. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 29, 153-160.
- Winters, F. I., Greene, J. A., & Costich, C. M. (2008). Self-regulation of learning within computer-based learning environments: A critical analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 20(4), 429-444.
- Yansen, D., Putri, R. I. I., Zulkardi, Z., & Fatimah, S. (2019). Developing PISA-like mathematics problems on uncertainty and data using Asian games football context. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(1), 37-46.
- Zulkardi, Z., & Putri, R. I. I. (2020). Supporting mathematics teachers to develop jumping task using PISA framework (JUMPISA). Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 14(2), 199-210.
Benavides-Varela, S., Callegher, C. Z., Fagiolini, B., Leo, I., Altoe, G., & Lucangeli, D. (2020). Effectiveness of digital-based interventions for children with mathematical learning difficulties: A meta-analysis. Computers & Education, 157, 103953-103953.
Bergqvist, T., & Lithner, J. (2012). Mathematical reasoning in teachers' presentations. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 31(2), 252-269.
Bergqvist, T., Lithner, J., & Sumpter, L. (2008). Upper secondary students' task reasoning. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 39(1), 1-12.
Dasaprawira, M. N., Zulkardi, Z., & Susanti, E. (2019). Developing mathematics questions of PISA type using Bangka context. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(2), 303-314.
de Castro, B. (2004). Pre-service teachers’ mathematical reasoning as an imperative for codified conceptual pedagogy in algebra: A case study in teacher education. Asia Pacific Education Review, 5(2), 157-166.
Efriani, A., Putri, R. I. I., & Hapizah, H. (2019). Sailing context in PISA-like mathematics problems. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(2), 265-276.
Eriksson, H., & Sumpter, L. (2021). Algebraic and fractional thinking in collective mathematical reasoning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 1-19.
Firdaus, F. M., Wahyudin, W., & Herman, T. (2017). Improving primary students' mathematical literacy through problem based learning and direct instruction. Educational Research and Reviews, 12(4), 212-219.
Fitriani, N., Suryadi, D., & Darhim. (2018). The students’ mathematical abstraction ability through realistic mathematics education with VBA-Microsoft Excel. Infinity, 7(2), 123-132.
Gorev, P. M., Telegina, N. V., Karavanova, L. Z., & Feshina, S. S. (2018). Puzzles as a didactic tool for development of mathematical abilities of junior schoolchildren in basic and additional mathematical education. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(10), em1602-em1602.
Granberg, C., & Olsson, J. (2015). ICT-supported problem solving and collaborative creative reasoning: Exploring linear functions using dynamic mathematics software. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 37, 48-62.
Hendriana, H., Eti Rohaeti, E., & Hidayat, W. (2017). Metaphorical thinking learning and junior high school teachers' mathematical questioning ability. Journal on Mathematics Education, 8(1), 55-64.
Hendriana, H., & Fadhillah, F. M. (2019). The students’ mathematical creative thinking ability of junior high school through problem-solving approach. Infinity Journal, 8(1), 11-20.
Hendriana, H., Prahmana, R. C. I., & Hidayat, W. (2018). Students’ performance skills in creative mathematical reasoning. Infinity Journal, 7(2), 83-96.
Hendriana, H., Prahmana, R. C. I., & Hidayat, W. (2019). The innovation of learning trajectory on multiplication operations for rural area students in Indonesia. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(3), 397-408.
Hidayat, W., Wahyudin, W., & Prabawanto, S. (2018). The mathematical argumentation ability and adversity quotient (AQ) of pre-service mathematics teacher. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9(2), 239-248.
Hwang, J., & Ham, Y. (2021). Relationship between mathematical literacy and opportunity to learn with different types of mathematical tasks. Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(2), 199-222.
Jonsson, B., Norqvist, M., Liljekvist, Y., & Lithner, J. (2014). Learning mathematics through algorithmic and creative reasoning. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 36, 20-32.
Kadarisma, G., Fitriani, N., & Amelia, R. (2020). Relationship between misconception and mathematical abstraction of geometry at junior high school. Infinity Journal, 9(2), 213-222.
Kim, N. J., Belland, B. R., & Walker, A. E. (2018). Effectiveness of computer-based scaffolding in the context of problem-based learning for STEM education: Bayesian meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 30(2), 397-429.
Klingenberg, O. G., Holkesvik, A. H., & Augestad, L. B. (2020). Digital learning in mathematics for students with severe visual impairment: a systematic review. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 38(1), 38-57.
Kurniawan, H., Putri, R. I. I., & Hartono, Y. (2018). Developing open-ended questions for surface area and volume of beam. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9(1), 157-168.
Kusmaryono, I., Suyitno, H., Dwijanto, D., & Dwidayati, N. (2018). Analysis of abstract reasoning from grade 8 students in mathematical problem solving with SOLO taxonomy guide. Infinity Journal, 7(2), 69-82.
Kusmaryono, I., Ubaidah, N., & Basir, M. A. (2020). The role of scaffolding in the deconstructing of thinking structure: A case study of pseudo-thinking process. Infinity Journal, 9(2), 247-262.
Leong, Y. H., Cheng, L. P., Toh, W. Y. K., Kaur, B., & Toh, T. L. (2021). Teaching students to apply formula using instructional materials: a case of a Singapore teacher’s practice. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 33(1), 89-111.
Li, F.-Y., Hwang, G.-J., Chen, P.-Y., & Lin, Y.-J. (2021). Effects of a concept mapping-based two-tier test strategy on students’ digital game-based learning performances and behavioral patterns. Computers & Education, 173, 104293-104293.
Lithner, J. (2008). A research framework for creative and imitative reasoning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 67(3), 255-276.
Lithner, J. (2014). Mathematical reasoning in task solving. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 41(2).
Lithner, J. (2017). Principles for designing mathematical tasks that enhance imitative and creative reasoning. Zdm, 49, 937-949.
Mac an Bhaird, C., Nolan, B. C., O’Shea, A., & Pfeiffer, K. (2017). A study of creative reasoning opportunities in assessments in undergraduate calculus courses. Research in Mathematics Education, 19(2), 147-162.
Machromah, I. U., Utami, N. S., Setyaningsih, R., Mardhiyana, D., & Fatmawati, L. W. S. (2021). Minimum competency assessment: Designing tasks to support students’ numeracy. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(14), 3268-3277.
Maharani, A., Wahyuni, I., & Oktavianingsih, C. (2020). Watson’s categories analysis of sequences and series question. Infinity Journal, 9(1), 10.
Mann, L., Chang, R., Chandrasekaran, S., Coddington, A., Daniel, S., Cook, E., Crossin, E., Cosson, B., Turner, J., & Mazzurco, A. (2021). From problem-based learning to practice-based education: A framework for shaping future engineers. European Journal of Engineering Education, 46(1), 27-47.
Masfingatin, T., Murtafiah, W., & Maharani, S. (2020). Exploration of creative mathematical reasoning in solving geometric problems. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 14(2), 155-168.
Megawati, L. A., & Sutarto, H. (2021). Analysis numeracy literacy skills in terms of standardized math problem on a minimum competency assessment. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education, 10(2), 155-165.
Merritt, J., Lee, M. Y., Rillero, P., & Kinach, B. M. (2017). Problem-based learning in K–8 mathematics and science education: A literature review. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 11(2).
Morsanyi, K., McCormack, T., & O'Mahony, E. (2018). The link between deductive reasoning and mathematics. Thinking & Reasoning, 24(2), 234-257.
Mulyanto, H., Gunarhadi, G., & Indriayu, M. (2018). The effect of problem based learning model on student mathematics learning outcomes viewed from critical thinking skills. International Journal of Educational Research Review, 3(2), 37-45.
Norqvist, M. (2018). The effect of explanations on mathematical reasoning tasks. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49(1), 15-30.
Nusantara, D. S., Zulkardi, Z., & Putri, R. I. I. (2021). Designing pisa-like mathematics task using a COVID-19 context (Pisacomat). Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(2), 349-364.
Powell, S. R., & Fuchs, L. S. (2018). Effective word-problem instruction: Using schemas to facilitate mathematical reasoning. Teaching exceptional children, 51(1), 31-42.
Pratiwi, I., Putri, R. I. I., & Zulkardi, Z. (2019). Long jump in Asian games: Context of PISA-like mathematics problems. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(1), 81-92.
Purwitaningrum, R., & Prahmana, R. C. I. (2021). Developing instructional materials on mathematics logical thinking through the Indonesian realistic mathematics education approach. International Journal of Education and Learning, 3(1), 13-19.
Rachma, A. A., & Rosjanuardi, R. (2021). Students’ obstacles in learning sequence and series using onto-semiotic approach. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 15(2), 18.
Ramadhani, R., Rofiqul, U., Abdurrahman, A., & Syazali, M. (2019). The effect of flipped-problem based learning model integrated with LMS-google classroom for senior high school students. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(2), 137-158.
Rawani, D., Putri, R. I. I., & Hapizah, H. (2019). PISA-like mathematics problems: Using taekwondo context of Asian games. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(2), 277-288.
Risnawati, R., Andrian, D., Azmi, M. P., Amir, Z., & Nurdin, E. (2019). Development of a definition maps-based plane geometry module to improve the student teachers' mathematical reasoning ability. International Journal of Instruction, 12(3).
Rohaeti, E. E., Fitriani, N., & Akbar, P. (2020). Developing an interactive learning model using visual basic applications with ethnomathematical contents to improve primary school students’ mathematical reasoning. Infinity Journal, 9(2), 275-286.
Saleh, M., Prahmana, R. C. I., Isa, M., & Murni, M. (2017). Improving the reasoning ability of elementary school student through the Indonesian realistic mathematics education. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9(1), 41-54.
Schleicher, A. (2019). PISA 2018: Insights and interpretations. OECD Publishing.
Setiawan, A. (2020). The effect of cognitive styles on reasoning and problem solving ability. Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices, 1(2), 87-93.
Suprapto, E., Fahrizal, F., Priyono, P., & Basri, K. (2017). The application of problem-based learning strategy to increase high order thinking skills of senior vocational school students. International Education Studies, 10(6), 123-129.
Thompson, P. W., Hatfield, N. J., Yoon, H., Joshua, S., & Byerley, C. (2017). Covariational reasoning among US and South Korean secondary mathematics teachers. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 48, 95-111.
Thuneberg, H. M., Salmi, H. S., & Bogner, F. X. (2018). How creativity, autonomy and visual reasoning contribute to cognitive learning in a STEAM hands-on inquiry-based math module. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 29, 153-160.
Winters, F. I., Greene, J. A., & Costich, C. M. (2008). Self-regulation of learning within computer-based learning environments: A critical analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 20(4), 429-444.
Yansen, D., Putri, R. I. I., Zulkardi, Z., & Fatimah, S. (2019). Developing PISA-like mathematics problems on uncertainty and data using Asian games football context. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(1), 37-46.
Zulkardi, Z., & Putri, R. I. I. (2020). Supporting mathematics teachers to develop jumping task using PISA framework (JUMPISA). Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 14(2), 199-210.